The Person Who Gave Fake Residence and Work Permit Was Caught!

The foreign suspect who gave fake residence permit to foreign nationals in Istanbul’s Esenyurt district was caught. The unlicensed consultancy company that gave residence permits with false documents to foreigners whose residence permits were refused was closed.
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The owner of the consultancy company, which allegedly gave residence or work permits to foreign nationals with false documents, was caught in Istanbul Esenyurt. The fraudster will be handed over to the Provincial Immigration Administration to be deported after his procedures in the police are completed. Taking action within the scope of the ongoing investigation, the Istanbul Police Department Immigrant Smuggling and Border Gates Branch Office teams provided fake documents to foreigners who were not granted a residence or work permit in Turkey, via their social media accounts. selected a consulting firm.
Find Customers on Social Media
First of all, the location and identity information of the unlicensed consultancy company, which made statements on various social media platforms that “residence permits may be granted again to foreigners whose residence permits are denied”, were determined. Gathering customers with video sharing, A.E.S. Police teams, who followed the suspect closely, raided an address in Esenyurt yesterday for the consultancy firm in question.
Office Raid
At the end of the physical follow-up, in the operation carried out at the company’s office in Esenyurt at around 17.00 in the evening, foreign national A.E.S. The suspect was caught. Detained A.E.S. Taken to the Istanbul Police Department for questioning, M.T.T. A foreigner mentioned was also taken to the police station to give a statement after he was informed.
Money and Digital Document Seized
In the searches made at the company headquarters, where it was determined that a residence permit was issued based on a false document, 2 temporary protection documents, money receipts, 3 thousand 950 liras and 255 dollars were evaluated. counterfeit and a large number of digital materials were seized. Caught within the scope of the operation, A.E.Ş. An investigation was launched for the crime of “Forgery of Official Documents”.
To Be Deported
It was stated that the suspect will be handed over to the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Migration Management to be deported after judicial proceedings. Captured A.E.Ş. He walked up to the door of an unlicensed workplace under the name of the “consulting company” he managed. sealed by the police teams.
Hello, I have a friend who recently went through an “agent” to obtain Residency Permit card. The agency fee was decided/paid and then the agent went to prepare the documents. Half way through my friend got a bad feeling based upon how they were dealing with her. She said she no longer wanted to go through as it didn’t seem legitimate. They showed her a copy of the Residency permit (with her name spelled incorrectly, twice, and the ID number scribbled out) – confirming her fears that it was counterfeit. On top of that they requested more money! She genuinely thought initially they were a helpful agency. She will now apply herself once she arrives on touristic visa. Is there any way to alert the authorities of this behaviour (She paid via western union)
You can complaint about them to the Turkish Consulate of your homecountry.
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