Foreigners Working with Work Permit Things to Know About Occupational Accidents

Foreigners working in a company with a legal work permit in Turkey have similar rights and obligations as Turkish citizens. The Labor Law is also applied equally to the relevant employees, regardless of domestic or foreign status. The concept of work accident can be defined as the problems that may arise during the execution of the work processes in the professional sense and that cause or may cause bodily / mental harm to the employee. Generally, occupational accidents include all the unfavorable situations that may occur during the execution of the task in an area other than the workplace, after the employer gives you a different task, together with the accidents that occur at the workplace, or while traveling to and from the place where the work is done with a vehicle provided by the employer, that is, during the execution of the work. As a result of these negative situations, some situations may arise in which the employer will also bear responsibility.
As a rule, just like Turkish citizens, for foreigners working with a work permit, the employer must notify the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security within 3 days from the work accident. If the employer does not make this notification, the foreign employee can make this notification himself. After this notification is made, the employee can apply to the Insurance Directorate located in the region where the work accident occurred. After this application, a report is prepared about the employee according to the results of the examination to be made at the hospital. It may also be possible to apply for disability pension or permanent incapacity income, depending on the disability level determined in the report.
If you have questions about the occupational accidents of foreign employees in Turkey, you can send them to us in the comments section.