Roses Bloomed on Plates: Adana Ravioli (Rose Ravioli) – Discover Turkish Food

We have prepared a great recipe for ravioli lovers. If you like to deal with and eat pastries, you will love this recipe. We mentioned that ravioli is a wonderful taste unique to Kayseri. As Expat Guide Turkey, we have prepared a practical recipe for those who want to try Adana’s ravioli.
Materials of Adana Ravioli;
For dough;
- 750 grams of flour
- 1 egg
- 1 glass of water
- Salt
For internal mortar;
- 400 grams lean ground beef
- Black pepper
- Red pepper
- Salt
For the sauce;
- 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
- 2 teaspoons of chili paste
- 3-4 cups of broth
- 3 glasses of water
- 1 bowl of boiled chickpeas
- Salt
- Red pepper
- Black pepper
- 2 tablespoons of butter
For the above;
- 1 tablespoon of dried mint
- Strained Yogurt
- 2-3 cloves of garlic (crushed)
Preparation of Adana Ravioli;
- For dough; Sift the flour and salt into a deep mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle and mix the egg and water.
- Add the flour little by little and knead until it becomes a firm dough. If the flour size is small, add flour little by little by hand.
- Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, cover it with a clean cloth and let it rest for 15-20 minutes.
- For internal mortar; Mix the ground beef, salt and spices well in a bowl.
- Then roll out the rested dough with a rolling pin on a floured surface. Cut the rolled dough into 1.5 cm wide strips.
- Put 4-5 of the strips you cut on top of each other and cut 1.5 cm. Cut it to form a square. Put a piece of the ground meat you prepared on the square dough and close it in the form of a rose. Fry the prepared ravioli in hot oil.
- Melt the butter in the saucepan in which you will cook the soup. Crush the tomato paste in oil and sauté a little. Add paprika, black pepper and salt to it.
- Then add broth and plain water and let it boil. When it boils, add the ravioli and chickpeas. After the ravioli is boiling (the ravioli should stay a little fresh), add the dried mint on it, let it boil and take it off the stove.
- In a bowl, mix yogurt with crushed garlic. Take the ravioli on the serving plate. Serve with garlic yogurt on the side.
- You can serve rose ravioli with pickled pepper. Enjoy your meal!

The characteristic of Adana Mantısı is that the fried dough preserves its crispness. For this reason, if you put them in water and boil 10 minutes before serving, the ravioli grains will retain their crispness and will not soften.
Preparing Lalanga is that easy! This recipe, which you can display at breakfast tables if you wish, is as satisfying as it is practical. Moreover, you can prepare this recipe as sweet or salty. We recommend serving it hot. Enjoy your meal!
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