The Mysterious Strecture of Caddebostan Beach The Story of Ragip Pasha Mansion

Many people, who previously slept on the grass of Caddebostan beach, describe this structure as “Haunted Mansion”. The real name of the mansion is Ragıp Sarıca Pasha Mansion. As for her story…
When you go to Caddebostan beach on a stone road decorated with dense oak trees on both sides, the 27-decare garden between the high wall and the sea and the white mansion inside belonged to Ragip Sarica Pasha. He died in 1811. Ragip Pasha was a curvaceous civilian pasha, about two meters tall. For many years, he served as the chamberlain of Sultan Hamid’s palace.
Pasha, who was born in Eğirboz, still within the borders of Greece, in 1857, entered the state service after graduating from civil service school. Being a reliable member, Ragıp Pasha, besides being a civil servant, also dealt with trade, had Anatolian, Rumeli and African inns built close to each other in Beyoglu and, with his hope, established a raki factory. He had a lavish life and a great fortune. and symbolized its culture.

Why It Was Built
In 1906, he had the street garden mansion built first as masonry and wooden top. The architecture of the mansion was very different and of high quality, and it was relatively expensive. The floors of the rooms were first covered with sheets of pressed coal ten centimeters thick, covered with a thick layer of cork, and above this was Vienna. It is furnished with a very high quality parquet brought from Istanbul. The ceilings are decorated with fine gold leaf. It was learned that this gold material was sold in the following years. The building cost forty thousand gold and a tower was built next to the four-story mansion on the islands. Pasha drank his drink in this tower on moonlit nights. The building cited by nahide Sarica a. He said it was made by an architect named Jasmund.

The mansion had large halls, colorful windows and doors that retained their splendor even after a century. All the marble inside and outside the building came from Italy. There were Landola and Landon carriages, each more elegant than the other, in the carriage in the garden, and precious English horses in the stables. The beds in the garden were filled with colorful flowers every season and the most beautiful pine, plane and chestnut trees gave a natural forest look. Despite this, there were no traditional vineyards in Ragip Pasha Mansion in the mansion gardens in Goztepe and Erenkoy.
When Was He Staying in the Mansion?
Pasha would sometimes come to Çiftehavuzlar on a private ferry, preferring the car. Ragıp Pasha stayed in the mansion, which he had meticulously built only in the spring and autumn, for a few months of the year, mostly in Sarıyer, the mansion that is still burning, and Yildiz. On the large, carved sea side of the mansion, which opens to the streetbostan road, there is a solid white marble pier that even the strongest southwest winds cannot break. Opposite the garden gate, someone had two beautiful buildings built that are still standing. Used as a Selamlik, it was demolished in recent years and apartments were built instead. The one reserved for the assistants’ residence still stands. The big white mansion next to the mansion belongs to Tevhide Hanim, daughter of Ragip Pasha. It is still well maintained today. Although the mansions belonging to both Ragip Pasha and Tevhide Hanim are surrounded by indented and high walls, they are not well visible from the street, but offer a magnificent view when viewed from the sea.

What Happened After Ragıp Pasha’s Death?
This wealthy and tasteful pasha of the Sultan Hamid period was exiled to Rhodes after the sultan was sent to his alatini mansion in Thessaloniki after the 1908 Constitutional Monarchy, and he caught stomach cancer there. He went to Switzerland for treatment. He did not live long on his return, he passed away in 1920 in his mansion in Ciftehavuzlar. After the death of Ragip Sarica Pasha, the mansion was sold first to lawyer Ibrahim Ali Bey and then to the farmer of Said. The yacht club was used as a military recovery room for a while. When the road from Caddebostan was widened, the location of the walls and the gate was changed. Part of the garden was parceled out, Some trees were cut. Despite this, Ragip Pasha Mansion, which belongs to the farmer family, has preserved its beauty.

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Dear Mrs Demirci
Thank you for your article.
I would like to know whether there are living members of the family of Ragip Sarica Pasha. He has helped many of my compatriots, after they were expelled from the town of Skopos (now Uskup) by the New Turks and aided them to survive, working in his estate in Umurca near Tekirdag. Later, following the exchange of populations my compatriots founded the village of Neos Skopos in the prefecture of Serres Greece. We are greateful about Ragip Pasha’s help and I would like to express it to members of his family, if they exist. Could you please send me some relevant information, if available?
prof. Aristotelis Naniopoulos
Hello, dear Aristotle Naniopoulos,
I can prepare a new content as a result of detailed research on the subject. Stay tuned. Love to you