Residence Permit in Turkey

Turkish residence permit system is governed by the Law on Foreigners and International Protection (Law no: 6458, Enacted 11.04.2013). In compliance with the Decision of the Council of Ministers dated 10.10.2011, No: 2011/2306, starting from 01 February 2012, the total duration of stay of foreigners who visit Turkey as tourists cannot exceed 90 days in any 180 days period. Foreigners who intend to stay in Turkey longer than mentioned period (90 days in 180 days period), are required to apply for residence permit.
According to above mentioned decision of the Council of Ministers, if their visa exemption period or duration of the visa is sufficient, foreign visitors may remain in Turkey without residence permit maximum for 90 days (either consecutively or separately) in any 180 days period prior to their departure. After 90 days, in order to remain in Turkey, foreign visitors need to apply for residence permit. If visa exemption period or the duration of the visa is less than 90 days, foreign visitors might extend this period up to 90 days within Turkey.
In calculation of 180 days limit, Law no. 5683 states that foreign visitors are not permitted to exceed 90 days within previous 180 days from their date of DEPARTURE. This means in the calculation of duration of stay in Turkey, foreign visitors should look backwards from their present point or from the day of their departure.
Currently, residence permit applications are made directly to the newly established Directorate General of Migration Management through the online system. You may refer to Law on Foreigners and International Protection for detailed information about the residence permit application procedure, the different types of residence permits and the extension applications.
Residence Permit extension applications might be submitted online within 60 days before and in all circumstances before the expiry date of the residence permit. After the extension application, applicants will be given a document which is not subjected to administrative fees. During the extension evaluation period, foreigners will use this document to continue residing in Turkey legally.
Although it has been underlined that starting from 01.01.2015, First Residence Permit applications will be made through the Turkish Consulates, until further notice from General Directorate of Migration Management, first residence permit applications can also be made within Turkey through local offices of Directorate General of Migration Management.
From May 18, 2015, Residence permit applications started to be accepted through E-Residence system launced by Directorate General of Migration Management.

For the first and extension applications and applications for transfer, foreign applicants need to fill the online form and get an appointment from the nearest office of Directorate General of Migration Management through the “Central Appointment System”. After filling the form, the system automatically shows the address of the nearest DGMM office and the list of the required documents, it calculates the application and card fee and also sets the available dates and times for the appointment . Foreign applicants can legally reside in Turkey with the application form until the appointment date. However having an appointment does not grant any right to enter or exit Turkey. Once the application is submitted on the appontment date, foreign applicant shoudl stay in Turkey until getting the results of his applicaiton. In case if application is approved, having signed and stamped the Residence Permit Application Document, foreigners might exit and re-enter Turkey within 15 days.
In order to start the application form, system will ask for a cell phone number or email. As soon as you will receive verification code by email or SMS, you can continue your application form.

If you choose an option of e-Mail for communication preference, please be informed that you can use only email addresses with the following domain names as gmail, yahoo, outlook, hotmail or yandex.

If you have already started to fill the application form, you can continue filling it anytime by clicking on I WANT TO CONTINUE MY APPLICATION

As soon as you finish filling the application form, the next step is to arrange an appointment. For foreigners, who reside in Istanbul and Ankara, the appointment date and time will be given by the system automatically. Foreigners, who reside in other provinces are able to choose the date and time of the appointment by themselves.
Once you choose the appointment date, the system will automatically calculate your residence permit fees, which could be paid by credit card online or at Tax Office of your province.

Moreover, foreigners have an option to cancel the application form.

Typical short term residence permit application form contains the following parts.
- Applicant’s Information
- Travel Document Information
- Information on place of education and work
- Information on main address and contact in Turkey
- Information on Residence Permit
- Information on Notification
Law no 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection specifies six main types of residence permits.
(i) Short-Term Residence Permit,
(ii) Family Residence Permit,
(iii) Student Residence Permit
(iv) Long- Term Residence Permit
(v) Humanitarian Residence Permit
(vi) Residence Permits for the victims of Human Trafficking
Please consider that all of the different categories might have different application procedures and might have different required documents. Although Expat Guide Turkey has taken great care in compiling the content of this page ,we cannot guarantee that all information is accurate and complete. Turkish authorities may request additional information and documents. Moreover residence permit applications might be rejected in the absense of proper type of visa. The following information is for informational purposes only. Please consult the nearest local office of Directorate General of Migration Management or for detailed information.
- It is required to have a passport or a document substituting a passport which is valid at least 60 days longer than the requested residence permit period.
- A photo must be taken within the last 6-months (frontal, clear face, in a way that the foreigner can be recognized easily) with a white background and biometric.
- In cases where passport information is not written in Latin letters, certified translation by a sworn translator or official authorities shall also be added to the application.
- If name and surname are not written separately in passport, it is required that you submit a document taken from your own country representatives showing clearly the identity information to the administration.
- A birth certificate may be requested for foreign minors.
- In cases where the person concerned is under the age of 18, a deed of consent shall be given by his/her mother/father who lives abroad or by a legal representative or by a natural/legal person or entity recognized in Turkey.
Short-term residence permits are granted in accordance with the visiting purpose of the foreigners. Short-term residence permits will be issued at most for one year. Short term residence permit might be granted for the foreigners listed below who have suitable accommodation conditions in Turkey. It is essential that foreign applicants should have a passport valid for at least 60 days beyond requested residence permit period. Additionally, foreigners might be asked to provide a criminal record from their home countries if Turkish authorities consider it to be necessary.
a) Foreigners who come to Turkey for scientific research.
b) Foreigners who own immovable property in Turkey.
c) Foreigners who come to Turkey for business relations or opening business.
d) Foreigners who come to Turkey for in-service-training
e) Foreigners who come to Turkey as a part of international student exchange programs or in line with international agreements in which Turkey stands as a party.
f) Foreigners who come to Turkey for tourist purposes.
g) Foreigners who come to Turkey for medical treatment except from those whose illness might cause a threat to the public health.
h) Foreigners who need to stay in Turkey due to requests or decisions of judicial or administrative bodies.
i) Foreigners who seek transition from Family residence permit to Short-term residence permit.
j) Foreigners who come to Turkey to attend Turkish Language Courses might be granted with short-term residence permit at most two times.
k) Foreigners who come to Turkey for training, research, internship or traineeship purposes through Turkish Public Institutions might be granted with short-term residence permit at most one time and not more than for one year.
Applications of foreigners who are subjected to deportation or entry ban decisions will be rejected.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric passport-size photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- An official letter confirming research from the institute that foreigner will conduct scientific /academic research
- If available, expired residence permit
- Valid Health Insurance (one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- If available, expired residence permit.
- A bank statement confirming the existance of an amount of USD 1000 for each month. (Please check with local office of Directorate of Migration Management. This amount may vary from city to city)
- Original title deed and its photocopy
- A letter obtained from local land registry office indicating that the deed is up-to-date.
- DASK policy
- Valid Health Insurance ( one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
The foreigners who enter to Turkey on the basis of business vİsa and would like to stay here for longer period has a right to get a short term residence permit. However, the foreigner should approve that his aim is only connected with the gauging the potential market. Foreign nation could get one year of residence permit after meeting the criterias of İmmigration office. First and most, foreigner should submit invitation letter and other notarized company’s documents. Only after providing these documents he can get a short term residence permit.
The abovemention residence permit card will allow you to evaluate market demand and establish business in Turkey. Required documents are as below:
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- If available, expired residence permit.
- Proper type of visa obtained from Turkish Consulates (Business / Visitor Visa)
- The Turkish Trade Registry Gazette of Company indicating the most recent capital and shareholding structure of the organization (Should be original and notarized)
- Commercial Activity Certificate of Company (Should be original and notarized)
- Signature Circular of Company (Should be original and notarized)
- Valid Tax Certificate of Company (Should be original and notarized)
- Proof of Income
- Valid Health Insurance ( one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- If available, expired residence permit.
- Offical document confirming in-service-training obtained from Turkish institutions
• Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- If available, expired residence permit.
- Proper type of visa obtained from Turkish Consulates (Student Visa)
- Letter of Acceptance (needs to indicate Erasmus Exchange Program)
- Valid Health Insurance ( one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
Foreign visitors without residence permit may remain in Turkey maximum for 90 days (either consecutively or separately) in any 180 days period prior to their departure. After 90 days, in order to stay in Turkey, foreign visitors are required to apply for residence permit.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- A bank statement confirming the existence of an amount of USD 1000 for each month. (Please check with local office of Directorate of Migration Management. This amount may vary from city to city)
- If available, expired residence permit.
- Valid Health Insurance (one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
- Proof of residential address (Rental Agreement, Reservation Document or Undertaking Letter from Turkish Citizen who accommodates foreign visitor in his/her residential address) Rental Agreement should be notarized and copy of title deed should be attached.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- If available, expired residence permit.
- Valid Health Insurance ( one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
- Doctor Report indicating Medical Treatment.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- If available, expired residence permit.
- Valid Health Insurance (one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
- Court Order obtained from Judicial bodies.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- A bank statement confirming the existance of an amount of USD 1000 for each month. (Please check with local office of Directorate of Migration Management. This amount may vary from city to city)
- If available, expired residence permit.
- Valid Health Insurance (one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
- Proof of residential address (Rental Agreement, Reservation Document or Petition Letter from Turkish Citizen who accommodateS foreign visitor in his/her residential address) Rental Agreement should be notarized and original title deed should be attached.
Foreigners who come to Turkey to attend Turkish Language Courses might be granted with short-term residence permit at most two times.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- If available, expired residence permit.
- Student Certificate obtained from Turkish Language Courses stating duration of the course
- Document proving that the language school Is accredited by Ministry of Education
- Valid Health Insurance ( one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
Foreigners who come to Turkey for training, research, internship or traineeship purposes through Turkish Public Institutions might be granted with a short-term residence permit at most one time and no more than for one year.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biomteric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- If available, expired residence permit.
- Proper type of visa obtained from Turkish Consulates (Internship Visa)
- Offical document confirming internship obtained from Turkish Educational Institutions
- Proof of Income
- Valid Health Insurance (one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
Family Residence Permit is granted to the foreign spouse and/or foreign children who are under statutory age and dependent foreign children of foreigners who have valid residence permits, foreigners who own secondary-protection status, refugees and people who lost Turkish citizenship by obtaining renunciation permit. Family residence permits will be issued at most for a term of three years on each application. In the case of marriage with more than one partner, only one partner might be granted with Family Residence Permits. However children from the other partners are granted with Family residence permit. In addition, both partners of marriage should be aged 18 years old or above. In granting Family Residence Permit to the children, if dual guardianship is exists, consent of father or mother who also has parental right is needed. Children with family work permit may continue their primary and secondary education without having student residence permits. Spouses or children, in order to apply for Family Residence Permits should have passport which is valid for at least 60 days beyond requested residence permit period. Those foreigners who resided in Turkey at least three years and turned to 18 years old might apply for transition from Family residence permit to Short-term residence permit.
In case of divorce from a Turkish citizen, foreigners who have resided in Turkey at least three years with family residence permits might be granted a short-term residence permit. However in the existence of court decision on domestic violence, the three years duration is not taken into consideration for the divorced foreign partner.
In order to be eligible for a Family Residence Permit the following conditions should also be met. (i) to reside in Turkey at least one year with valid residence permit,(ii) to have monthly income not less than the Turkish minimum wage which is also no less than one third of minimum wage per household members, (iii) to have suitable accommodation conditions in Turkey in line with general health and security, (iv) to have medical insurance which covers all household members, (v) to prove not convicted with any domestic violence or similar crimes within 5 years prior to the application date and (vi) to be registered with Turkish Address Registration System.
- Residence Permit application form (also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport
- If available, expired residence permit.
- Original and one photocopy of National Identity Card of Turkish spouse
- Original and one photocopy of Certificate of Marriage,
- Civil register certificate
- Proof of Income (i.e. Payslips, Balance Sheet approved by tax Office or Chartered Accountant)
- Certificate of non criminal record of Turkish spouse
- Document which shows that sponsor is registered in address registration system in Turkey
- Valid Health Insurance covering foreign applicant and their spouse (one of the following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from the Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
If marriage is performed abroad, marriage should be registered in the Turkish Civil Registry. Marriages might also be registered through the Turkish consulates where the they were performed. In order to apply for registry an original marriage certificate and its notarized Turkish translation with Apostille might also be required.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- Copy of Work permit of spouse
- Original passport of spouse and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- Original marriage certificate and its notarized Turkish translation with Apostille might also be required
- Proof of Income of spouse
- Certificate of non criminal record of spouse from his homecountry and its notarized Turkish translation with Apostille stamp
- Document which shows that sponsor is registered in address registration system in Turkey
- Valid Health Insurance covering foreign applicant and their spouse (one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biomteric photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- Birth certificate (if issued abroad must be translated and Apostilled or certified by Turkish consulate abroad or related consulate within Turkey)
- Parents’ marriage certificate (if issued abroad must be translated and Apostilled or certified by Turkish consulate abroad or related consulate within Turkey)
- Original and one photocopy of National Identity Card of Turkish parents
- Proof of Income
- Certificate of non criminal record of Turkish parents
- Document which shows that parents are registered in address registration system in Turkey
- Valid Health Insurance covering all family members(one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
- Residence Permit application form. (Also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 passport-size photos.
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passports belonging to child and parents: the page bearing the foreigner’s photo, the pages stamped at the last entry, the pages indicating the validity and expiry dates of the passport.
- Birth certificate (if issued abroad must be translated and Apostilled or certified by Turkish consulate abroad or related consulate within Turkey)
- Parents’ marriage certificate (if issued abroad must be translated and Apostilled or certified by Turkish consulate abroad or related consulate within Turkey)
- Original and one photocopy of Work/Residence Permits of Foreign parents
- Proof of Income
- Certificate of non criminal record of Turkish parents who are work permit holders (if issued abroad must be translated and Apostilled or certified by Turkish consulate abroad or related consulate within Turkey)
- Document which shows that parents are registered in address registration system in Turkey
- Valid Health Insurance covering all family members (one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014
Student residence permit is granted to those foreigners who will be enrolled to graduate, undergraduate or two years associate programs in the Turkish higher education institutions. Foreigners who will study in primary or secondary education programs, with the consent of their parents, might be granted with student residence permit at most for one year period on each application. Student residence permit does not grant any rights about residence permits of parents and other relatives of the foreign students. The period of student residence permit can not exceed the duration of education.
With the entry into force of new Law on Foreigners and International Protection, foreign students can work in Turkey legally after obtaining a work permit. However foreign students who are enrolled in undergraduate or two years associate programs can start working in Turkey after completing their first year of study. Moreover only for foreign students who are enrolled in two years associate programs, their working hours can not exceed 24 hours per week. Applications of foreigners who are subjected to deportation or entry ban decisions will be rejected.
Those who will apply for the first time for a residence permit as foreign students should have a student visa obtained from the Turkish consulate in their home countries. After their arrival they need to apply for residence permit within one month.
- Residence Permit application form (also tax number obtained from tax office)
- 4 biometric photos
- Original passport and photocopies of the following pages of the passport: the page bearing the applicant’s photo, the page stamped at the last entry, the page indicating the validity and expiry dates and the page bearing student visa obtained from consulate.
- Valid and updated student enrollment certificate obtained from Turkish schools or universities.
- A bank statement guarantying subsistence, or a letter of undertaking from parents, or if available scholarship documents.
- For foreign students below 18 years old, a deed of consent from parents is required. The deed of consent should be translated in Turkish and notarized with Apostille.
- Valid Health Insurance (one of following health insurances is enough)
*The document that enables benefit from the health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
*The certificate of authorization received from Social Security Institution
*Proof of application made for general health insurance to Social Security Institution
*Private Health Insurance compatible with Circular Notice no.9 dated 06.06.2014.
A foreigner may be eligible for Long Term Residence Permit for indefinite period of time, if having resided in Turkey legally and uninterruptedly for 8 years with a valid residence permit. However those foreigners who are classified as refugees and conditional refugees or foreigners who own residence permits for humanitarian purposes or who are under temporary protection are not eligible to apply for Long Term Residence Permits. Additionally in order to be eligible for Long Term Residence Permit foreigners also need to meet with the following criteria. They :
- Should not be granted with Social Help within the last three years,
- Should have adequate and regular resources for personal or family livelihood,
- Should have a valid health insurance,
- Should not be considered as a threat to public order and security.
In case of staying outside Turkey for any reasons except from health, education and compulsory public service for more than one year, Long Term Residence Permit might be cancelled.
Please check out article about how to cancel work permit in Turkey?
In the following circumstances Humanitarian Residence Permit might be granted at most for one year. Residence permit on humanitarian grounds can be extended.
a) If the highest interest of a child is in question
b) In case that the departure of a foreigner from Turkey is not reasonable and possible, even if the foreigner is subjected to deportation or entry ban decision.
c) If the deportation decision may not be taken due to provisions of article 55 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection.
d) During the legal actions taken against deportation decisions or not allowed international protection applications.
e) During the returning process of international protection applicants to the country of first asylum or third safe country.
f) For those foreigners allowed entering Turkey for the sake of state interests or public order and public security (if the grounds for applying another type of residence permit is not available)
g) In exceptional circumstances.
Holders of Humanitarian Residence Permit should register themselves to the Address Registration System within 20 days after they are granted the residence permit.
A foreigner who is victim of an offence related to Human Trafficking might be granted with 30 days a valid residence permit for reflection and for him or her to decide whether to take action against the perpetrator(s) of the offence. Residence permits for the Victims of Human Trafficking might be extended at most 6 months each time however extensions can not exceed three years in total.[/toggle]
Residence permit application process in Turkey can be very often a headache for foreigners, who are not familiar with Turkish bureaucracy. Explanations regarding required documents and how to complete the application file are sometimes unclear and confusing. Moreover providing incomplete application file to Immigration Office is causing delays in obtaining residence permit and can be even the reason for rejection of the application. But what are the other common reasons for rejection of residence permit application?
- Wrong type of application
- Providing false personal information
- Submitting online application before arrival to Turkey
- Submitting online application after expiration of the visa
- Not being present in Immigration Office on appointment date
- Leaving Turkey while application process is still in progress
- Having criminal record within or outside of Turkey
In the end of year 2019 Directorate General of Migration Management announced restrictions for extending residence permit obtained for purpose of tourism. Starting from January 1st 2020 nationals of all countries except of OECD countries, Russia, China, and the European Union countries were not allowed to extend this kind of permit as long as there was no valid reason for extension other than tourism.
In spring 2020 when due to pandemic many foreigners were neither able to leave Turkey due to cancelled flights to their home countries nor allowed to extend their residence permit abovementioned regulations were cancelled.
Additionally, in June 2020 announcement regarding foreigners overstaying in Turkey due to pandemic was published on website of Directorate General of Migration. According to this statement foreigners whose residence permit or visa expired during pandemic were not considered as staying in the country illegally and were allowed to apply for residence permit regardless of not having valid visa, which used to be required to submit the application.
Currently nationals of all countries are allowed to extend their residence permit obtained for tourism purposes, however every application is evaluated by related institutions as individual case and may be rejected if the authorities do not find the reason of stay suitable for particular application.
Can foreigners acquire Turkish citizenship after staying in Turkey for five years on basis of residence permit?
Foreigners, who are staying in Turkey on basis of residence permit for property owners for five years uninterruptedly can apply for Turkish citizenship under condition that they transfer their residence permit to work permit. Students, who complete their education in Turkey and transfer their student residence permit to work permit can also be eligible for Turkish citizenship if they have been staying in Turkey uninterruptedly for last five years before submission of the application. Also foreigners, who are married to Turkish citizens for at least three years can apply for Turkish citizenship.
Other types of residence permit do not grant foreigners right to obtain Turkish citizenship.
Can foreigners work in Turkey after obtaining residence permit?
Being residence permit holder does not allow foreigners to be employed in Turkey. In order to work within the country employer must apply for work permit on behalf of foreigners. Foreigners can not apply for work permit in their own name or without having a job in Turkey. Application for foreigner who has residence permit valid in total for at least 6 months can be done within Turkey. For foreigners who are not residence permit holders, application must be done via Turkish Consulate in their home country.
Can foreign students in Turkey invite their parents to accompany them during education?
Only parents of minor children attending schools in Turkey are eligible to obtain and extend residence permit on this basis. Foreign students enrolled to universities in Turkey can not be sponsors for their parents’ who can be only eligible for touristic residence permit to accompany their children during education in Turkey.
Can foreigners who are residence permit holders in Turkey travel visa free to countries, which do not require visa from Turkish citizens?
Being residence permit holder in Turkey does not grant foreigners the same rights as Turkish citizens. While entering other countries visa regulations for foreigners nationality are taken under consideration regardless of being residence permit holder in Turkey.
After the regulations regarding extension of residence permit obtained for purpose of tourism were announced in 2019 many foreigners started considering purchasing a property in Turkey to be eligible for residence permit on this basis. What are the most common questions regarding residence permit for property owners?
Can relatives of property owner also obtain residence permit on this basis?
Property owner, their spouse and children under 18 years old are eligible for residence permit application. Parents of property owner can only obtain residence permit under condition that they require care due to health problems.
If there is more than one owner of the property can all of the owners and their relatives apply for residence permit?
Only one foreigner can be a property owner to be eligible for residence permit on this basis. If there is more than one owner stated in Title Deed application would not be approved.
Is there a minimum value of the property to be eligible for residence permit application?
There is no minimum value of the property for residence permit application purposes. Foreigners, who purchase a property in Turkey in amount of at least 400.000 USD can acquire Turkish citizenship on basis of investment within short period of time. Owners of properties, value of which is less than 400.000 USD are eligible for residence permit for property owners and can be also eligible for Turkish citizenship application after residing in Turkey for five years uninterruptedly on basis of this kind of permit.
For how many years residence permit can be granted to property owners in Turkey?
This kind of permit can be granted for one year at first and later can be extended multiple times for as long as the ownership would be remained. Every extension of residence permit can be granted for up to two years.
Can residence permit be obtained on basis of land or commercial property ownership?
Residence permit can be only granted to foreigners who purchase a property for residential purposes. Their property must be also their residential address in Turkey, that is why residence permit can not be granted to owners of commercial properties or land owners.
As by the announcement of Directorate General of Migration Management published on January 15th 2021 foreigners applying for residence permit for the first time must meet certain criteria if they are residing in district of Fatih or Esenyurt.
-For Fatih district only the short-term residence permit requests within the scope of subparagraph (j) of the first paragraph of Article 31 of Law No. 6458 (for investment purpose) and student residence permit requests of students enrolled in universities in Fatih district will be approved;
-For Esenyurt district only the short-term residence permit requests within the scope of subparagraph (j) of the first paragraph of Article 31 of Law No. 6458 (for investment purpose) and short-term residence permit requests within the scope of subparagraph (b) of the same article (for owning immovable property purpose) provided that the immovable property is in Esenyurt district and student residence permit requests of students enrolled in universities in Esenyurt district will be approved.
Except of above mentioned the first applications made in Esenyurt and Fatih districts on and after 15.01.2021 will not be accepted. Described regulations do not apply to extension applications.

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Myself and my girlfriend have applied for a one year residency permit for tourism. We had the notorised documents including health insurance, tenancy for a year etc and was granted the residency. However we have only been granted 14.03.22 until 14.06.22. we are slightly confused as currently we have a 90day visa for free being from the UK and paying for the year residency fee etc. Would there be any reason why this is the case as we have been told this is the decision by the immigration but the language barrier is quite profound.
Hi, If my application for renew ikamet gets cancelled, and I have to leave Turkey within 10 days. When can I come back to Turkey as a Tourist and with Tourist visa(90/180 days) which my EU-country passport has?
Do I have to stay away for 2 weeks?
Hi, If my application for renew ikamet gets cancelled, and I have to leave Turkey within 10 days. When can I come back to Turkey as a Tourist and with Tourist visa(90/180 days) which my EU-country passport has?
Dear Madam/Sir,
I have a short-term (Kısa dönem) residence permit that will expire by the end of January 2022. My passport will expire by the end of March 2022. When I went to the embassy to renew my passport, they told me that the process of renewal will not start until they receive a security clearance. When I asked them about the duration required for a security clearance, they told me that it will take 6-7 months. Afterwards, they can proceed with the renewal process of my passport, and the duration of that second renewal phase is unknown.
I have two daughters studying here in Ankara; one of them is a school child. My children need to continue their studies here in Ankara because it is essential for them to complete what they have started and used to without interruption. My family is in need for me to stay with them. If I leave the country, my family will not be able to maintain their lives.
I understand that there is a regulation such as “When the child’s best interests are in question” in clause A of paragraph 1 of Article 46, which is regulated under the humanitarian residence permit title of Law No. 6458.
Given that we all have short-term residence permits, I would like to know if I am eligible for a Humanitarian Residence Permit in accordance with the above-mentioned paragraph of the law.
Can you please let me know about the extent to which you would be confident that my application would be successful, if I apply through your consultancy? Do you have other alternatives than that of the humanitarian residence permit?
I would strongly recommend you to contact with immigration office in regards of your issue and check with them if the humanitarian residence permit could be given to you. In regards of extension of short term residence permit, you would need an extended passport in order to be able to prolong your residence permit.
Thank you,
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HI – i have a minor criminal record from 30 years ago for criminal damage. Would this automatically exclude me from applying for 1 year residency in Turkey?
Hello! My partner and I are in the process of purchasing an apartment in Turkey. We are not married, but the real estate agent informed us that both of our names could be on the title. Would the title not be approved since we are not married? Additionally, would the both of us not be able to apply for the residency visa? Thank you!
Hello, you can buy a real estate in Turkey as two foreign partners and get a residence permit on this real estate.
Hello Sir/Ma,
(1) I am a master’s student here in turkey, I have a residence permit that will expire on 22/09/2021, but I applied for an extension of 6 months on 5/8/2021 and I attended the interview on 9/8/2021 successfully but yet to received the new Card (Ikamet).
(2) Now I graduated with my MSc on 23/8/2021, after being successful interviewed and fingers prints capturing by the Directorate of Migration of the province stayed, but yet to receive my certificate from the university I graduated as of today on 22/09/2021 as well as the new Ikamet which is the Date of my old resident permit expire.
(3) I have checked my Application status online, which is clearly written (Your application has been concluded positively. Your Residence Permit Document is at the printing stage Residence permit Starting-Ending dates 9/22/2021 – 2/4/2022).
(4) I lead my complaint to the Directorate of Migration office 3 times always they are saying my new resident permit is not yet sent from Ankara. Now my question is that am getting my MSc certificate probably next week and my return flight ticket will be on November second week so if my new resident permit is not been available to me up to the time of leaving Turkey, can they consider me as overstayed?
There attached is my renewal Application status.
Thank you for your kind respond
Generally the printing of card process takes up to max. 3 weeks, seems like you will be able to get it until your flight. In case if you won’t be able to get your new residence permit until your departure day, I would suggest you to visit İmmigration office to get a paper which will allow you to leave the country without any problem, otherwise your staying will be considered as overstaying for customs officer.
Thank you,
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I had just re-check my application status again now,I saw this (2021-85-0981201 Nolu Başvuru uzatmak için gereken süre dolmuştur) Image. While am still waiting for My MSc certificate. What should I do now ?. yesterday 22/09/2021 the older one expired and today is 23/09/2021. Thank you Once again for your kind response.
Best regards
Kindly ask you to contact Immigration call center for detailed information in regards of your application.You are allowed to stay in Turkey legally while your application is still under evaluation.
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How long is the printing stage lately please? My application has been already more than 3 weeks in the printing stage. Thank you so much
I hope you’re doing well. I want to apply for the work permit in Istanbul. I was a student here. I studied for one year and now i got a job as a nanny in Turkish house for which i want to apply for the work permit. Could you please tell me which documents are required for the work permit?
Thank you in advance.
For detailed information in regards of work permit process as a nanny, kindly ask you to contact us by 4447284. Please be informed that application could be done only by employer, employee may not get a work permit for himself/herself.
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Good morning, I’m sending this email as a few days ago I sent another email but still haven’t got feedback for my request. I’m Maltese holding a Maltese id card and passport, would like to go to Turkey for a long period of time. Could please someone will guide me and help me with what I need to do? The Turkish Embassy in Malta told me that I can go without Visa for 90 days but I would like to stay longer than 90 days. Could you please get back to me with further information. I appreciate it. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Kind regards, Daniela Clinch
For longer period of stay, you may apply for short term tourist residence permit for max. 1 year as soon as you arrive to Turkey. If you would like to use our service in residence permit application, kindly ask you to contact us by 4447284.
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I need to change my address in Turkey. We have gone to Nufus Nurduglu, two times with rendeyvu. They sent us to Koordinasiyon Merkezi, with rendeyvu. They sent us to Goc Ideresi.
Online it explains clearly that all you need, to register new address with e-Devlet, is passport, apartment rental agreement, and utility bill from the new home. When we go to Nufus Murduglu, they are sending us away again.
We cannot solve this easy problem and I found your service online.
My husband and I just got married 6 weeks ago in Besiktas. But, we are not ready for Family Residency application. We just want to change my address, from Mugla to Istanbul. Later, we will file for Family Residency status.
I just want to change my address in the system, so we can open a bank account. And let government know where I am living.
Can your company help with this easy problem that somehow seems so hard?
Unfortunately, our company doesn’t provide service for address registration. The problem is that your work permit was gotten from Muğla region, in order to register address in İstanbul, firstly you would need to transfer your work permit to İstanbul and later register new address or get a family residence permit from İstanbul.
Thank you,