Work Permits of Foreign Flight Attendants in Turkey

On this page, there is detailed information about how to get permission for foreign flight attendants. If you want, you can get a professional service from ATA Institutional Consulting; In this way, you can make your application completely and with a low probability of rejection.
Within the scope of Commercial Air Transport Operation Regulations (SHY-6A), the airline companies which have been authorized to perform passenger transportations are able to employ foreign cabin attendants for scheduled or nonscheduled services with twenty seats or more capacity included in their aircrafts.
According to SHY-6A Regulations’ “Licensed Personnel Recruitment” article number 22 and its fourth paragraphs’ governing law; “In circumstances which are out of the scope of law number 4817 about Work Permit for Foreigners; relating permissions for foreign personnels who will be assigned for certified Turkish Republic aircrafts only within the operations during overseas, will be utilized seperately by the Head Office” and; according to the governing law of fifth paragraph of the same article this time; ”It is essential that whole cabin crew should include Turkish citizens. However, necessities for foreigner cabin attendants who are to be employed for international flights will be utilized seperately by the Head Office”; minimum requirements that will be looked for in the applications directly to Directorate General of Civil Aviation of foreign cabin attendants as a member of cabin crew which are made by airline companies are indicated below.
General Terms
- Foreign cabin attendants who are employed by the airline company are only assigned for international flights.
- The number of the foreign cabin attendants who are employed by the airline company, can be on no condition equal or more than the number of Turkish cabin attendants that work for the airline company.
- By means of documenting the international flight points or the lines of international flights within the operations of “wet-lease”, it will be clearly specified on the applications to the Head Office about which flight line requires which specific foreign language.
- A foreign cabin attendant who was employed by an airline company has to prove that he or she is worthy of the employment reason of speaking a language on a good level with a certificate which has international currency. A certificate will not be necessary if the relevant language is the cabin attendant’s native language.
- Foreign cabin attendants who will perform their duty on this basis, except for the international flights they are to attend, complying with the defined limits of minimum/maximum hours of flight and rest spans within the scope of instructions (SHT FTL), may be assigned for other international flights for the effective usage of capacity as long as they can provide common language requirements.
- Airline companies submit an informative list to the Head Office about foreign cabin attendants with every application they give; these lists include not only the new applicants’ but also already employed foreign cabin attendants’ names, surnames, nationalities, start dates of duty, duration of work permits, appointed lines, etc.
- All airline companies are responsible for providing the requirements, which were established by article ORO.CC.110 of EASA Air OPS regulations, for every foreign cabin attendant that they will employ.
- The airline company, in the scope of having a Turkish cabin supervisor and a Turkish senior cabin attendant, in the formation of a cabin crew within a flight operation;
A- At least 2 (two) Turkish cabin crew members’ attendance in narrow bodied passenger aircrafts,
B- At least 3 (three) Turkish cabin crew members’ attendance on widebodied passenger aircrafts will be guarenteed.
- Airline companies which employed foreign cabin attendants for the past flights may maintain their present operations within the main terms without any other applications to Civil Aviation Head Office.
The necessary terms and records that will be looked for in the applications, minimum requirements related to the assigned foreign cabin attendants for the operations and the employment process of the foreign cabin attendants by airline companies for the flights that are operated within their own flight codes, are indicated below.
- Work Permit document which was prepared for the related cabin attendant and organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security according to the law number 4817,
- A valid health certificate regulated by aviation health centres which are authorized by our Head Office or health institutions which are authorized by the members of EASA establishment,
- According to the sentence which was indicated in the 4th article in the part titled as “General Terms”; in pursuant of the responsibilities and duties of the related cabin attendant, information/documents which show the ability of correct and efficient communication based on the passengers’ and cabin crew’s common language,
- Within the scope of airline managament’s approved training program (CCTM), a CabinCrew Aircraft Type/Variant Qualification(s) that were organized according to the EASA Air OPS Regulations “ORO.CC.215(b)(2)” and “GM1-ORO.CC.215(b)(2)” which are prepared for the cabin attendant that shows he or she has completed the directions within the process of training and after the training,
- A domestical or international certificate which is related to the cabin attendant’s graduate degree of high school or likewise.
In case of the situations out of the scope of the law number 4817 namely Work Permit for Foreigners within the operations of “Wet-lease”, the records that will be looked for while the applications are made concerning the foreign cabin attendants who will be assigned only for international operations:
- Within the scope of the “wet-lease” operation which is processed by the airline company, an informative text based on the foreign cabin attendant’s informations about how long and where (the country and the city) they will be assigned for,
- A copy of offical “wet-lease” letter of approval organized by the Head Office and the document of “wet-lease” agreement,
- A valid health certificate regulated by aviation health centres which are authorized by our Head Office or health institutions which are authorized by the members of EASA establishment.
- According to the sentence which was indicated in the 4th article in the part titled as “General Terms”; in pursuant of the responsibilities and duties of the related cabin attendant, information/documents which show the ability of correct and efficient communication based on the passengers’ and cabin crew’s common language.
- Within the scope of airline managament’s approved training program (CCTM), a CabinCrew Aircraft Type/Variant Qualification(s) that were organized according to the EASA Air OPS Regulations “ORO.CC.215(b)(2)” and “GM1-ORO.CC.215(b)(2)” which are prepared for the cabin attendant that shows he or she has completed the directions within the process of training and after the training,
- A domestical or international certificate which is related to the cabin attendant’s graduate degree of high school or likewise.
Within the scope of “wet-lease” operations, the terms and records that will be looked for in the foreigner cabin attendants’ applications who were assigned for rented aircraft and who belong to the renting operator:
- A copy of the “wet-lease” agreement document which contains of related detailed statements and related regulations,
- A written contract corresponding to the employment of the foreign cabin attendant who will be employed only for the operations performed by the renter of the aircrafts.
- According to the sentence which was indicated in the 4th article in the part titled as “General Terms”; in pursuant of the responsibilities and duties of the related cabin attendant, information/documents which show the ability of correct and efficient communication based on the passengers’ and cabin crew’s common language.
- Within the scope of airline managament’s approved training program (CCTM), a CabinCrew Aircraft Type/Variant Qualification(s) that were organized according to the EASA Air OPS Regulations “ORO.CC.215(b)(2)” and “GM1-ORO.CC.215(b)(2)” which are prepared for the cabin attendant that shows he or she has completed the directions within the process of training and after the training,
- A domestical or international certificate which is related to the cabin attendant’s graduate degree of high school or likewise.
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