Work Permit for Company Partner Foreigners in Turkey

You can get detailed information about how to get work permit for company partner in Turkey by read this article. Or you can get professional service for obtaining work permit from ATA Instiutional Consultancy.
The independent worker is defined as “If the worker employes another people or not, it means worker who works self-employed.” in 3rd article of the law no. 4817. As it is understood from the definition, people who work self-employed are independent workers. In other words, they are founders of their businesses. It is necessary to understand those operates on its own behalf, not working for another person. This kind of work can be with real people or with company partners.
According to the new law, the work permit requirement is abolished which was applied to directors of incorporated companies who do not reside in Turkey and the other foreign partners of limited companies who are not the authority in these companies.
Foreigners are able to establish and take over a company as a %100 shareholder in our country, or providing that it is not less than %40 share (for work permit) they can be a partner for any company.
If the company is newly established, a 100.000 Turkish Lira paid-in capital is adequate, and they do not have to employ 5 Turkish employers in the first six months. However, after six months of establishment, they have to employ 5 Turkish citizens; extension of the work permit for the company’s foreign partner will be declined if 5 Turkish citizens are not employed.
In the event that the establishment of the company dates back 6 months, in order to get work permit for their foreign partner the paid-in capital amount has to be at least 100.000 Turkish Lira and the company has to employ 5 Turkish citizens. In the event that the paid-in capital amount is not 100.000 Turkish Lira, the amount of endorsement of previous periods has to be 800.000 Turkish Lira or more.
If the head of the company is a foreigner, he or she has to have the work permit.
In the event that the foreign partner has a residence permit valid in Turkey the work permit application can be made in Turkey; if they do not have a residence permit, then they need to apply for the work permit via Turkish Embassy in their country of citizenship.
Syrian citizens can take their reference numbers required for work permit application via Turkish embassies in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Kuwait.
One of the most attention worthy issues is, in the work permit applications that are made at the end of a year, the company has to be free of SGK(Health Security Institution), Tax, Bağkur taxes or needs to get them structured.
We are able to extend the work permit for foreign partners of the companies who are exempted from “5 Turkish employees in six months” criteria, and who did not employ 5 Turkish citizens in the six months following to that. Please contact us for your questions.
Companies with foreign partners cannot have paid-in capital under 100.000 Turkish Lira, and the criteria of the employment of five Turkish citizens with an insurance in the first six months is not asked from the newly established companies. For a work permit for foreign partner after six months of the establishment for the companies with a foreign partner, five Turkish citizens with insurance are to be employed, this criteria has no application exceptions. The foreign partner needs to have at least %40 share if the paid-in capital of the company is under 100.000 TL; if it is more than 200.000 TL, a %20 share for the foreign partner is sufficient enough; the foreign partners who have share less than %20 cannot get the work permit.
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Required informations and documents for the domestical application of corporate partners
- Letter of application
- Certificate of commencement taken from Chamber of Commerce
- Balance sheet relating to the past year approved by tax office or sworn financial advisor
- Trade Registry Gazette which shows the latest fund and partnership structure of the company
- Warrant of attorney
Requested Documents from foreign partners;
- Residence permit (for at least 6 months)
- Copy of passport which shows identity informations
- A notarized diploma or graduation document in Turkish
- 1 passport photograph
Informations requested from foreign partners ;
- Social Security number of the company
- Phone number of the foreign partner
- Marital status of the foreign partner
- Residency address abroad of the foreign partner
- Domestical residency address of the foreign partner
Informations and documents requested from foreign corporate partners in the applications abroad
Consulate application;
- Consulate application letter
- Fixed-term Employment Contract
- Criminal record
- Birth certificate
- Trade Registry Gazette
- Tax signboard
- Authorised signature identification
Ministry Application
- Application Letter
- Certificate of commencement taken from Chamber of Commerce
- Balance sheet relating to the past year approved by tax office or sworn financial advisor
- Trade Registry Gazette which shows the latest fund and partnership structure of the company
- Warrant of attorney
Documents requested from the foreign corporate partner;
- Copy of passport which shows identity informations
- A notarized diploma or graduation document in Turkish
- 1 passport photograph
Work permits are given for a year within the first application, an application for the extension of the work permit has to be done when it is two months until the end of a year. Within the application of extension, the company has to be free of SGK(Health Security Institution), Tax, Bağkur taxes, and needs to show that the premium pays are fairly done.
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