What is the scariest area of Istanbul?

The first advice we will give to tourists is not to turn far from Istiklal Street. At first look, why not, because Istiklal is the most tourist place in Istanbul. However, nearby is the scariest area in Istanbul – Tarlabasi. The once wealthy Tarlabasi quarter is now famous for criminal world.

Already on the approach to Tarlabasi, you will feel where the tourist place ends and the criminal world begins. The area is filled with thieves, criminals and prostitutes. Even the bravest turk will not dare to look into this quarter, as well as the police, who very often ignore calls from this area.

As soon as you find yourself in the Tarlabasi area, you will immediately understand that you will not be welcome here. The first thing you encounter in Tarlabasi is silence, which, in accordance with your inner feelings and the characteristic appearance of the area, acquires an ominous character. After the noisy Istiklal, on the streets of Tarlabasi, it may seem that you are alone here, but it is not so. People live in numerous basements, and often without windows. Sometimes you go out to the next street, where people drive cars and taxis, and this makes the area seem less gloomy. Laundry is hung everywhere on the street, which is dried right on the street. Tarlabashi is mainly populated by Kurds and poor emigrants. In winter, you can find a bonfire in the middle of the street, since there is no heating in the houses.

There is only one conclusion, beware of the Tarlabashi area.
You can read this article in Russian language: Какой самый страшный район Стамбула?
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