What is a Short Term Residence Permit? How to take ?

What is a Short Term Residence Permit? How to take ?
Short-term residence permit is a type of permit approved by legal authorities that gives foreign nationals the right to stay in Turkey for a certain period of time. The majority of short-term permits are residence permits issued for touristic purposes. These permits, which are given for 1 year, can be up to 2 years for Istanbul.

Which Foreigners Can Get Short-Term Residence Permit?
Foreigners who have suitable accommodation conditions according to their purpose of arrival can apply for a short-term residence permit.
- Foreigners Coming for Scientific Research
Foreigners who apply for a residence permit for scientific research should obtain a permit from the relevant institutions or organizations if the research is subject to permission. If the research is not subject to permission, a written document about the research topic should be submitted.
- Foreigners Owning Immovable Property in Turkey
In order for foreigners who own real estate in Turkey to apply for a residence permit, the real estate must be a residence and be used for this purpose. In addition, if family members have shared or joint ownership of the residence, family members can also apply for a short-term residence permit in this context.
- Foreigners Who Have Commercial Connections or Will Establish a Business
If foreigners who have a commercial connection or will establish a business request a residence permit for more than 3 months, an invitation letter or similar documents may be requested from the relevant companies.
- Foreigners Who Will Participate in the In-Service Training Program
Foreigners who will participate in the in-service training program can obtain a short-term residence permit if they submit a document from the relevant institution or organization.
- Foreign Students Coming with the Student Exchange Program
For this purpose, foreign students who apply for a residence permit are asked to submit information and documents to be obtained from the relevant institution. The duration of residence permit cannot exceed the duration of education or similar purpose.
Students coming within the scope of student exchange programs (Erasmus, Mevlana, Farabi etc.); Private health insurance is not required from those who apply for general health insurance within 3 months from the first registration date. However, those who lose their right to be covered by general health insurance by not making an application within three months from the date of registration are required to take out private health insurance.
- Foreigners Who Will Attend Turkish Language Courses
For this purpose, a foreigner who requests a residence permit and registers with the institution authorized to offer Turkish courses is granted a short-term residence permit at most two times. In addition, the relevant Turkish course must be authorized by the Ministry of National Education.
- Foreigners Coming as Tourists
The statement of foreigners who apply for a residence permit for tourism purposes regarding their travel plans (where, when and how long they will stay in the country) is evaluated. If deemed necessary, he may be asked to submit information or documents.
- Foreigners Incoming for Treatment Purposes
A letter of acceptance from state or private hospitals is requested from foreigners who will be treated, provided that they do not have one of the diseases that are considered as a threat to public health. Health insurance is not required for those who document that they have paid all treatment costs in advance.
A valid health insurance condition is not sought for foreigners whose accommodation, food-drinking or health-related expenses are covered by the relevant public institutions and organizations during the treatment period, upon the determination of financial means.
When necessary, information or documents regarding the treatment of the foreigner may be requested from the relevant hospital or public institution and organization.
- Foreign Government Officials Coming for Education and Research
Foreign civil servants who will come to Turkey for reasons such as education, research and internship are granted a residence permit for a maximum of 1 year.
- Citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus can obtain a residence permit for a maximum of 5 years.
11. Foreigners who will be transferred to a short-term residence permit in case of losing the conditions of family residence permit
- Foreigners who have completed their higher education in Turkey and applied within six months from the date of graduation13. Those who do not work in Turkey, but will invest in the scope and amount to be determined by the Council of Ministers, and their Foreign Spouse, Minor or Dependent Foreign Children of Him and His Spouse
13- Foreigners Required to Stay in Turkey Depending on the Demands or Decisions of the Judicial or Administrative Authorities.
- Foreigners Required to Stay in Turkey Depending on the Demands or Decisions of the Judicial or Administrative Authorities.
Which Documents Are Required For Short-Term Residence Permit Application?
The following documents must be submitted for the 14 different arrival purposes mentioned above:
- Residence Permit Application Form
- Original and photocopy of passport or substitute document
- Four (4) photos
- Statement that he has sufficient and regular financial means during his stay (Bank Passbook showing that he has at least 500 USD-EURO savings for each month.)
- Valid health insurance (one of the following is considered sufficient):
- Document proving that you can benefit from health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
- Provision document from the Social Security Institution
- Document regarding the application made to the Social Security Institution to become a general health insurance holder
- Private health insurance in compliance with the Circular of the Undersecretariat of Treasury dated 06.06.2014 and numbered 9/2014
In addition, it is obligatory to submit documents proving the purpose of arrival. For example, people or companies that foreigners who will establish business connections or businesses may be asked to submit an invitation letter. Or people who own immovable property in Turkey must submit official documents showing that the residence belongs to them in order to obtain a short-term residence permit. Foreigners who will participate in in-service training programs are also asked to submit a document showing the duration and place of the training to be obtained from the public institutions or organizations where they will be trained.
How Many Years Can a Short-Term Residence Permit Be Issued?
Short-term residence permit for the citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and those who do not work in Turkey but will make investments within the scope and amount to be specified by the Council of Ministers, and their foreign spouse, minor or dependent foreign children of themselves and their spouses, is a maximum of 5 years.
For other applicants, the short-term residence permit is for a maximum of 2 years on the first application.
What are the Reasons for Refusal, Cancellation or Non-Extension of a Short-Term Residence Permit?
- Failure to fulfill one or more of the conditions sought for a short-term residence permit,
- It is determined that the residence permit is used for purposes other than the one for which it was issued,
- Having a valid deportation or entry ban decision about him,
- Violation in terms of duration of stay abroad.
In these cases, a short-term residence permit is not given, if it is granted, it is canceled, and those whose duration has expired are not extended.