Universities Teaching in English in Turkey
Unfortunately, English is the world trade language and it is necessary to learn English during undergraduate education. English, which is necessary for professional career and proficiency, is taught in many state universities in Turkey and a quality education opportunity is provided for students. Universities in Turkey with all departments teaching in English are as follows;
Bogazici University
Bogazici University, which is located in Istanbul and has a deep-rooted history, is the school that every student dreams of. Boğaziçi University, which is on the list of the few universities in the world; With its education quality, social facilities and cultural structure, all departments provide education in English. It is even recommended that English be spoken among students on campus. I guess it goes without saying that Boğaziçi University entrance scores are very high.
Middle East Technical University (METU)
ODTÜ is a high-quality university that makes a name for itself in the world with its education quality, which takes place in the social media and in the national press with the student passes where banners with social messages are opened every year at graduation ceremonies. METU, which has trained world-renowned names in the field of engineering, is a state university located in Ankara, offering English education in all its departments.
İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü
Tüm bölümlerinde %100 İngilizce eğitimi veren ve İzmir’in tek İngilizce eğitim veren üniversitesi olan İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü az bilinmesine karşın ODTÜ ve Boğaziçi kadar kaliteli bir üniversitedir. Üniversite sadece Fen ve Teknoloji bölümlerine sahiptir. Uygulama alanları, laboratuvar ortamları ve birçok farklı eğitim imkanıyla Türkiye’nin en iyi devlet üniversiteleri arasında bulunmaktadır.
Istanbul Technical University (ITU)
Until recently, Istanbul Technical University was giving Turkish education in all its departments. However, with the last education period, he switched to English education in all departments, especially in computer engineering and industrial engineering. The university, which has closed its Turkish departments, will be included in the scope of state universities that provide education in English from the coming period.
Istanbul University
Founded in the same year as the conquest of Istanbul, Istanbul University, aka; Darülfünun Mektebi provides English education in all departments of political sciences, business and economics faculties.
Marmara University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences provides education in Turkish, English, German and French. In other departments, 100% English education is given. Especially all departments in the Faculty of Engineering are taught in English.
Eskisehir Anadolu University
Anadolu University, which has the highest number of students in Turkey due to being an open education faculty, offers English education in all its departments. All courses in engineering and economics faculties are taught in English. Within the scope of the open education faculty, there are departments taught in English. The Department of Business in English and International Relations in English are among the departments that have received the most students in recent years.
Yildiz Technical University
Offering a very comfortable campus to its students with its Beşiktaş and Davutpaşa campuses in Istanbul, Yıldız Technical University offers 30% English education, unlike other universities. This is the main reason for its low score compared to other technical universities.
Hacettepe University
Hacettepe University, which has a very good position among state universities in Ankara, is especially known for its medical faculty. All courses are taught in English in all faculties, especially in the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.
Ankara University
Ankara University, which has been meeting the needs of bureaucrats since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey and known as Mülkiye, shows diversity in English education. All departments at the university are taught in both Turkish and English. In addition, 30% English education is also provided.
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Other Universities Teaching English in Turkey
- Gaziantep University
- Adana Cukurova University
- Izmir Aegean University
- Yalova University
- Mugla Sitki Kocman University
- Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
- Konya Selcuk University
- Mersin University
- Antalya Mediterranean University
- Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University
- Afyon Kocatepe University
- Cankiri Karatekin University