Top 5 art collections on Opensea
The number of users using crypto is increasing day by day.This number is also increasing in Turkey. There are high demand of for buying and selling crypto in the world. In addition to these demands, we see that there are highly demand for newly released NFT projects.We will answer the questions that users are wondering about the top 5 art collections in Opensea, which is the most popular NFT project platform.
What is Opensea?
Opensea is an NFT platform that allows you to receive and exchange NFT projects at the same time. It is the most demanded platform in recent times. it was established in 2018 in a decentralized manner.
Opensea offers its users the opportunity to make a transaction for high reliability. We would like to note that even if it is difficult for users to use this platform, there is a chance to learn in a simple way after reviewing the platform.
What are the top 5 art collections on Opensea?
Firstly, there are different categories that come up after logging in to the site. And then you will see some projects, of which there are 5 most notable art collections. And let’s take a look at what you’re wondering about all this together.
•Bart Simons – Art Block Factory
There are a total of 222 items in the art collection, which is the most popular on the project, and there are a total of 151 owners. You can make a purchase by paying 0.8 Ethereum as the base price in this project. You should know that the transaction volume is currently 88.2 Ethereum.
• Cubism By Ravicon
There are 1000 works in total in this collection. This collection consists of wonderful works in which the art of Cubism is combined with digital art. The base price of Ethereum in the collection is 1 ETH.In addition, these works are also signed by NFT artist Raviconart.
• Ely Castro
There is only 1 piece of work in this project. Let’s note that the amount that a person pays to own this artifact is 20 pieces of Ethereum. The most curious issue is the question of whether the project owner will be able to see / see a different piece of art in the near future.
There are 92 items in the category called Barfler (young and sick), which is the owner of an original NFT project, and it owns 66 of these works. The base price is 0.548 Ethereum, and the total volume is 19.5 Ethereum.
• Josie
Josie, who has a total of 361 works of art, has brought 165 works together with their owners. The base price is 5.5 Ethereum and the total Ethereum transaction volume is 1.7K Ethereum.
We hope our ‘top 5 art collection articles on Opensea’ have helped you. In the future, different works will be sold on these platforms as NFT, and we will specify more different works here again.