The Restriction Code and Canceling the Restriction Code

Every year, foreign nationals travel to Turkey for various purposes. Foreign nationals pay due attention when entering the country, but are subsequently deported because they do not pay sufficient attention to compliance with the law. The restrictions on the deportation of expatriates and registration of the registration code are processed depending on the reason. In some cases this code may prevent the entry of Turkey from five months to five years and sometimes indefinitely
What is the restrction law ? why its exist ?
The reasons for placing constraint codes vary. Depending on the importance of the procedure, the duration of the restriction varies. In general, the reasons for placing the constraint code are as following
- V-69 (revocation of residence permit)
- V-71 (who are not found in their address)
- V-70 (False marriage)
- V-77 (applicants who are not Ahiska Turks)
- V-84 (for those who have entered a residence permit within 10 days)
- G-78 (Foreigners carrying infectious diseases)
- G-87 (Persons at risk of public security)
- P-113 (Illegal logins)
- Ç-114 (foreigners who subjected to judicial proceedings)
- Ç-115 (foreigners who released from prison)
- Ç-116 (Foreigners who endangering public health and public morals)
- Ç-117 (illegal workers)
- Ç-118 (residence permit cancellation)
- Ç-119 (Illegal foreigners employees do not pay the fine)
- Ç-120 (non-payment of fines because of visa or violation of residence)
- Ç-135 (Foreigners Act and International Protection)
- Ç-136 (Those who do not pay travel costs)
- Ç-137 (inviting foreigners to leave )
- Ç-138 (stubborn traveler)
- K (Smuggling operations)
Now let us see them one by one
- V-69 (revocation of residence permit)
For example, if the residence permit was obtained in Turkey and did not comply with the residence rules. In cases where the documents necessary for the residence are forged, a restriction code is placed and the person is not given a residence permit for 5 years
- V-71 (who are not found in their address)
A restriction law is placed by the authorities if the person is not found in the address given to the authorities
- V-70 (False marriage)
If it is proved that the marriage is fake for the purpose of obtaining residence, the restriction code for the foreigner shall be established to prevent entry to Turkey for up to five years
- V-77 (applicants who are not Ahiska Turks)
In the event that it is understood that the persons who submitted the application of the Ahiska who are not Ahisaka, a restriction code is placed so that they can not apply for a ahiska residence.
- V-84 (for those who have entered a residence permit within 10 days)
If foreign nationals entering a residence permit within 10 days and do not register in the foreign branches for a residence permit within 10 days, causes imposition of a temporary ban
- G-78 (Foreigners carrying infectious diseases)
The law prohibits and puts restrictions on foreigners carrying infectious diseases from entering Turkey for an indefinite period. However, if the diagnosis is incorrect or treated and cured earlier, the ban on entry into Turkey is lifted based on the result of the examinations, and it is useful to work with a legal expert lawyer in the foreigners act.
- G-87 (Persons at risk of public security)
Depending on some sources, foreigners may be subject to restrictions and are deported. Some persons who have been encoded are at risk in their countries of origin by deportation. This procedure was canceled and the person was not deported for reasons endangering his life if the person who had the G-87 Restriction Act was expelled before the Constitutional Court. The important thing here is to open the case in time and work with an efficient and qualified lawyer.
- P-113 (Illegal logins)
About foreigners entering Turkey illegally Illegal access codes are restricted and foreigners are barred from entering Turkey for two years, as well as an administrative penalty.
The fine has been paid for years of underdevelopment. A foreigner is prohibited from entering Turkey for two years. If the fine is not paid, the entry into Turkey is banned from two to five years.
Administrative fines are an administrative measure, so the judiciary is open. An invitation must be opened and prosecuted in court in due course
- Ç-114 (foreigners who subjected to judicial proceedings)
If there is any criminal case against you and if you are guilty or not, the ban will be applied to your entry into Turkish territory for one year
- Ç-115 (foreigners who released from prison)
Crime The foreigner is barred from entering Turkey for one year after completion of the prison sentence.
- Ç-116 (Foreigners who endangering public health and public morals)
The violation of public morals and the threat of public health causes a ban on entry into Turkey for one year.
- Ç-117 (illegal workers)
Illegal workers in Turkey are subject to a penalty not to enter Turkey for one year. They are subject to administrative financial penalties.
- Ç-118 (residence permit cancellation)
Residence permit for foreigners in Turkey, if used for other purposes and has been disclosed, a restriction is put in place and enforced by a person for five years from entering Turkey
- Ç-119 (Illegal foreigners employees do not pay the fine)
Foreigners who work illegally in Turkey, if not paid the penalty imposed during the departure of Turkey is imposed a penalty of deprivation of entry to Turkey for up to five years.
- Ç-120 (non-payment of fines because of visa or violation of residence)
Administrative fines for visa or residence violations. During the exit from Turkey and in case of non-payment of the fine financial action is taken against the foreign embargo and not to enter Turkey again for a period of five years
- Ç-135 (Foreigners Act and International Protection)
Foreigners who violate the foreigners and International Protection Act are subject to administrative fines. If a fine is not paid, the foreigner will be banned from entering Turkey for a period of five years.
- Ç-136 (Those who do not pay travel costs)
Exiled and banished foreigners out of Turkey who do not pay for travel. The Turkish State pays the expenses. In order for the foreigner to return to Turkey, he must pay the advance payment from the Turkish government.
- Ç-137 (inviting foreigners to leave )
Foreigners who have been invited to leave Turkey by the Immigration Department within a certain period of time by law if they do not leave Turkey at that time, the restriction number shall be placed to prevent the entry of Turkey for 5 years.
- Ç-138 (stubborn traveler)
Aliens banned from entering Turkey. If the authorities are informed of their entry into Turkey, a restriction code shall be imposed to prevent entry into Turkish territory for up to five years
- K (Smuggling operations)
Code (k) is usually placed for foreigners who are involved in smuggling offenses and are searched. This code may not prevent access. Even more can be done with the aim of preventing from leaving the country
How to remove foreign restriction codes?
We explained that the different restriction codes above are for different reasons , There is only one way to remove the registration code, which is to sue the Administrative Tribunal.
administrative Case for Abolition of Restriction Law?
The action against the Restriction Law may last for about one year. However, the suspension with the case decided by the executive judge that the person will be able to enter Turkey. A decision to suspend execution is normally made within 20 to 30 days.
If the alien is in Turkey during the decision to deport him and issued an order prohibiting him from entering Turkey, the most logical solution is to raise an invitation to lift the ban and appeal the deportation decision
In the event of a cancellation action against the deportation decision, the case is expected to be canceled. So foreigners are not deported. Since the law of restrictions also prevents access to the dormitory ,.
However, some foreigners may be deported even if they open a case. for example
Associated with terrorist organizations.
Who poses a threat to public order, public security and public health.
- Assessment of international institutions and organizations related to terrorist organizations.
No court decision required to initiate deportation
As a result, it is possible to revoke the codes of enrollment and deportation. We recommend working with a lawyer and qualified companies to avoid any loss of rights and a successful outcome.
34 Sahtecilik
97 Adres Beyanına Iliskin idari Para Cezas
(3) N-97 (Adres Beyanına Iliskin Idari Para Cezası) kodlu veri girisi;
Haklarında V-71 kodlu tahdit kaydı bulunan ve 5490 sayılı Nüfus Hizmetleri Kanununun 50
nci ve 68 inci maddeleri uyarınca idari islem yapılanlardan idari para cezasını ödemeyenlere Il
Müdürlükleri tarafından N-97 kodlu veri girisi yapılır.
(2) V-69 (ikamet izni iptal Edilen Yabancılar)
V-71 (Adres Degisikligmı Bildırmeyen/Gergege Aykırı Beyan Eden Yabancılar
My code v 69 I pay fine when I leave turkey how to revoke my ban please I need your help
It can be removed with a court decision or special permission from the Ministry.
Thank you,