The Land Red of Erzurum: Narman Fairy Chimneys

Fairy chimneys in the Narman district of Erzurum attract visitors from many cities. Drawing attention with its red color and magnificent landforms, the Narman Fairy Chimneys are also known as the “Land of the Red Fairies”. Narman Fairy Chimneys, known as Red Fairy Chimneys, are located in the south of Narman District, at the 7th kilometer of the Narman-Pasinler highway.

Wind and rain eroding the sandy soil created this intriguing landscape of red fairy chimneys and narrow valleys.

These geological formations are seen only in this region in the Eastern Anatolia Region. Surrounded by the districts of Oltu, Senkaya, Sarikamis, Horasan, Pasinler and Tortum, Narman District is located in the northeast of Erzurum and 90 kilometers from the city center.

The valley where the fairy chimneys are located draws attention with its similarity to the Colorado Canyon in America. In order to protect the N arman Fairy Chimneys and bring them to the country’s tourism, various festivals are organized in the summer months, and the interest of local and foreign tourists to the region increases every year.

Fairy Chimneys in Cappadocia and Fairy Chimneys in Narman differ from each other in terms of their formation.

The fairy chimneys in Cappadocia were formed as a result of volcanism, while those in N arman were formed 2.5-3 million years ago as a result of the erosion of materials carried by streams to a sedimentation basin.

The reason why the Red Fairy Chimneys take on this color is the oxidation of the red colored iron in the sediments in the form of Fe2O3. Source: Erzurum Travel Guide Book Tablet Communication Publishing House.