Rights conferred by long term residence permit

In some web pages and forums, it is seen that there is a misunderstanding about the article 44 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection. Article 44 of the Law regulates the rights conferred by a Long-Term residence Permit.
Some of well known Expat web pages and forums, at this point, argue that Foreigners will also have rights and obligations which are only granted to the Turkish citizens such as military service, participation in national elections, employment in public services and etc. However article 44 reads that foreigners who have Long Term Residence Permit shallbenefit from the same rights as accorded to Turkish citizens, EXCEPT
a) Compulsory military service,
b) The right to elect and be elected,
c) Employment in public institutions,
d) Exemption from taxes in importing vehicles
“Rights conferred by a long term residence permit
(1) Save for acquired rights with regard to social security and subject to provisions in related law as regards the use of these rights, foreigners who have been granted a long term residence permit shall benefit from the same rights as accorded to Turkish citizens with the exception of provisions in special legislation as well as the rights regarding:
a) Compulsory military service,
b) The right to elect and be elected,
c) Employment in public institutions,
d) Exemption from taxes in importing vehicles.
(2) The Council of Ministers shall be authorized to place restrictions on the rights set forth in paragraph 1, partially or in its entirety”
The law on Foreigners and International Protection
You may download unoffical translation of Law on Foreigners and International Protection
Hello , I am an American citizen and I wand to bring my 14 and 5 years old kids for study in turkey , I need to know how can I apply for a long term visa for my family, for at least 5/6 years in turkey ?
Please refer me .. thank you
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After you enter Turkey with touristic visa, you are allowed to apply for residence permit. When your children would be enrolled into school in Turkey, they will be eligible to transfer their residence permit into student one. Your residence permit can be granted for one year at first and can be extended later if your chilren will continue education in Turkey.
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I am Australian, my family( wife and children under 18yrs) want to stay in turkey for education for long tern, what is the requirement or have to do to get resident permit?
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If you and your family want to stay in Turkey for long period of time, you are supposed to purchase a property in order to be eligible for obtaining residence permit for the whole family. This kind of permit will be possible to be extended multiple times. After staying in Turkey uninterruptedly for 5 years, you can be also eligible for Turkish citizenship.
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I am not able to book an appointment for a LONG TERM residence permit because I get stuck on the insurance page. It asks me for a ‘yenileme no’ which I do not have. I checked with the insurance but since my policy is still valid until January 2019 they cannot renew it now. The error message I get is: “Girdiğiniz sigorta bilgileri, mevcut sigorta bilgileri ile eşleşmemekte olup, hatayı içeren ekran görüntüsünün yimer@goc.gov.tr adresine e-posta olarak iletilmesi gerekmektedir.”
I’m not sure what details they want from me and it’s getting urgent. I called with 157, sent an email to YIMER and even went to the Hükümet Müdürlüğü to get an answer but nothing worked.
I started the application by choosing ‘transfer to another permit’ and not ‘first-time permit application’. Not sure if that makes a difference.
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Unortunately, we do not know any details of your application so it is not possible to say on which stage of application mistake mıght have been done. You can contact us to take the appointment in one of our offices in Ankara or İstanbul to receive professional guidance regarding application procedures.
Kind Regards,
hello. i just like to ask your good office regarding applying for Turkish citizenship being a nanny/ tutor working legally with working permit for 4yrs in one the same employer . is there a law from your respective government if i could apply for mentioned citizenship.
Looking forward for your response in your convenient time.
Have a good day!
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After staying in Turkey with work permit for 5 years uninterruptedly and if during this period you did not stay abroad for more than 6 months, you have a right to apply for Turkish citizenship. Our company provides services regarding Turkish citizenship application, if you want, we can assist you throughout the whole procedure.
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