Mandatory traffic fine payment at the border for vehicles with foreign license plate

The vehicles with foreign license plate which have uncollected administrative traffic fine will not be allowed to leave the country without paying the ticket.
Regulations on collection of administrative traffic fines to vehicles with foreign license plate is published on the Official Gazette.
According to the regulations of the Ministry of Interior, procedures and principles are established regarding the administrative traffic fines given to the vehicles with foreign license plate regardless of whether the driver is a Turkish citizen or not and the foreign drivers driving vehicles with Turkish license plate.
In the regulations which is based on the 8th clause of the article 115 of the Highway Traffic Law; a ticket will be issued and administrative traffic fine will be given in the event that the provisions of the related law on vehicles with foreign license plate are not complied with, regardless of whether the driver is a Turkish citizen or not.
Tickets can be inquired online
Information regarding the tickets issued for the license plate of such vehicles will be transferred to electronic environment simultaneously. The Directorate General of Security and Revenue Administration will allow that such tickets can be inquired online.
Information transferred to the Revenue Administration will be used as data in the collection of administrative traffic fines without creating a credit entry.
Of the traffic fines given to vehicles with foreign license plate, the ones which are notified to the addressee and which became final will be notified to the Revenue Administration to be followed by the relevant tax office. In order to follow such fines, it is essential that the necessary information is present on the ticket.
Fines will be paid to the bank or Post Office (PTT) branches
Administrative traffic fines issued to the drivers and license plates of the vehicles with foreign license plates will be paid to the accounting departments of the Ministry of Finance and fiduciaries affiliated to these departments, tax offices and bank or PTT branches authorized by the Revenue Administration.
It is possible to pay these fines with debit or credit cards at the land border gates where collection with debit or credit card is available.
Administrative traffic fines imposed on such vehicles will be collected provided that their drivers are informed. The fines which are not notified to the addressee will be deemed to be notified on the collection date.
Provided that the provisions of international treaties are reserved, the vehicles which come to Turkey with the registration document and license plate of the country where they are registered and which will be registered in Turkey will not be registered until the traffic fines of such vehicles are paid.
Administrative traffic fines of the foreign drivers driving vehicles with Turkish license plate will be collected from the owner of the vehicle for which the fine is issued. The information on the owner of the vehicle will also be included in the notification to be made to the Revenue Administration with the purpose of following and collection of the administrative traffic fines.
Information kept in the Ministry of Customs and Trade will be shared with relevant organizations with the purpose of identification of the vehicle for which administrative traffic fine will be issued.
Collections of “administrative traffic fines of vehicles with foreign license plates” by accounting departments will be carried out through the inquires on the database of the Revenue Administration.
It will be ensured that the data regarding the administrative traffic fines of vehicles with foreign license plates is shared between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Customs and Trade on the electronic environment.
Collections by the accounting departments or the fiduciaries affiliated to such departments at the customs gates in return for the administrative traffic fines issued to such vehicles will be notified to the Revenue Administration simultaneously by the Directorate General of Accounting.
Vehicles with unpaid traffic fine will not be allowed to go abroad
In the event that there is uncollected administrative traffic fine on the system for the vehicles with foreign license plates which came to the border gates to leave the country, the Ministry of Customs and Trade will not allow the vehicles to leave the country without paying the administrative traffic fine.
Data regarding sanction decision reposts of administrative traffic fine imposed on vehicles with foreign license plates before the publication date of the regulations will be transferred to the Revenue Administration to be used as data in collection of the administrative traffic fines without creating a credit entry.
Data regarding the traffic fines which cannot be collected and notified by the issuing authority until the end of the working hours on 31 December 2018 will be notified to the Directorate General of Security by the Revenue Administration and removed from the system entries kept for collection.
The provisions of the related regulations will be executed by the Minister of Interior, Minister of Customs of Trade, Minister of Finance and the Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication together.
How can I check if I have any fines and pay online beforehand if I have before the land boarder