How can foreigners who don’t Speak Turkish Apply for International Protection in Turkey?

Firstly, you should know that foreigners who will apply for international protection do not need to know Turkish and express themselves in Turkish. Especially if it is not possible for you to communicate in Turkish or another common language with the authorized persons and authorities and you can only speak your local language, you have right to request an translator in another language that you can speak and understand at every stage of international protection applications. Immigration Administration will not charge any fee for the translator they will provide for you. If you are having problems with communication, it is useful to remember that you should report this situation to the authorities as soon as possible and that you can request this language support at any stage.
In addition, you should remember that if you have a physical or mental disability that may make it difficult for you to understand the verbal or written statements made to you, you have the right to inform the authorities and to seek the support of an expert in the field. You have the right to request this at all stages of the international protection application, including the interview.
If you have questions about interpreter support in international protection applications in Turkey, you can send them to us in the comments section.