Here are the Apple devices that Steve Jobs brought into our lives

The legend of the technology world, Apple founder Steve Jobs, resigned 12 years ago. Here are the technologies he brought into our lives.

Anyone who admires Apple or not, we’re sure has some sympathy for Steve Jobs. The Silicon Valley giant, now headed by Tim Cook, was founded in California in 1976 by the legendary Steve Jobs and his partners, as you know. Today is an important anniversary for Steve Jobs and Apple.
Steve Jobs resigned from Apple on August 24, 2011
Jobs, the founder of technology giant Apple, resigned from the company he founded 12 years ago. The company’s newest iPhone device at the time was the iPhone 4S. Apple used to not release all devices belonging to an iPhone family in the same year.Because there weren’t 3-4 devices in an iPhone family as there is now. For example, the iPhone 4 was released in 2010, and the iPhone 4S was released in 2011. This was the last iPhone announced by Steve Jobs himself. He later resigned from Apple.He passed away on October 5, 2011, at the age of 56, of pancreatic cancer, shortly after he submitted his resignation letter on August 24. After that, Tim Cook, Apple’s COO, took over as CEO and has been in that position ever since.
So, what products did technology legend Steve Jobs add to our lives until he resigned from Apple? Let’s take a quick look at all of them:
Although no longer readable: iPod
Steve Jobs threw one of the first iPod prototypes into a bowl of water to prove to engineers that the device could be made even smaller. “Look, there are still air bubbles,” he snapped: “So there’s room. Make it even smaller,” he added.

The iPod had become the mainstream MP3 media player, offering different sizes, colors and features to meet the diverse needs of consumers. The iTunes Store, meanwhile, debuted at the time iPods were in vogue, offering people a convenient way to purchase and download music, making it an attractive alternative to physical CDs and piracy.
The iPod is no longer on Apple’s agenda, but its legacy lives on through the new Apple Watches and iPhones. We can say that iPod is a big step to encourage innovation and push the boundaries of technology.
He also announced the first MacBook Air: Mac
Steve Jobs’ first noticeable success began with the company’s launch of the Apple II in 1977. It was one of the first commercial computers to gain traction and go into mass production. Years later, in 1984, not to mention the launch of the Macintosh as the first profitable computer with a graphical user interface and mouse support.

Even looking at newer Macs, the company continued to innovate and produce meaningful products during the Jobs era. It was Steve Jobs who even created the first MacBook Air that could fit in an envelope.
The first iconic color iMacs were some of the first to add a fun element to what might otherwise be perceived as a serious productivity device. Thanks to his vision, Jobs was able to glorify the Apple computer and make it one of the computers that many users refer to.
The clear leader of the tablet market: iPad
Steve Jobs, who did not want to be limited to smartphones, also introduced the iPad, which would later become the first device that comes to mind when it comes to tablets for many users around the world. At the time, critics doubted the potential of the new iPad and assumed it would fail.

Today, this technological monument is a multifunctional laptop replacement for many students and office workers. Not to mention that its strength, combined with the wide range of optimized applications it offers, makes it difficult for competitors to produce tablets that are so successful in terms of performance, quality, resale value and more.
And of course, what keeps us all busy in September every year: iPhone
Apple’s most popular product to date is again by Steve Jobs. When Jobs introduced the first iPhone on stage in 2008, “An iPod, a phone and an internet communication device. Do you understand? These are not three separate devices. It’s a single device,” he said, and an era that never shuts down has begun.

Before its debut, companies struggled to find the right cell phone formula. But when the first iPhone was released, it became a driving factor in the smartphone industry, especially with the launch of the App Store, a hub where users can find and download third-party apps they can trust.
Apple may not be the first company to introduce new features at this point. However, when he does this, his rivals tend to follow him. With every new iPhone change, we see new trends that other phone manufacturers tend to adopt.
These are the devices that Steve Jobs has added to our lives. All of them became Apple legends. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.