Bafa Lake National Park, Mugla

Lake Bafa, which was the gulf of the Aegean Sea in ancient times, was cut from the sea by the alluvium carried by the Büyük Menderes River and turned into a lake. Bafa Lake was declared a Nature Park on 08.07.2018 due to its rich natural and cultural resource values. done. Within the borders of Lake Bafa Nature Park, the 250-meter coastline starting from Lake Bafa and the shoreline of the lake is a 1st Degree Natural Protected Area. In addition, the ancient cities of Heraklia and Latmos are located in the region and these areas are within the scope of the 1st Degree Archaeological Site.

A part of the Archaeological Site is located within the borders of the Nature Park. The depth of the lake, which has an area of 6721 hectares, reaches 25 meters. The main water source of the lake is the floods of the Buyuk Menderes River and the underground and surface waters from the surrounding mountains. There are İlbira Mountains in the south of Bafa Lake and Besparmak Mountains in the north with its magnificent view. In the vegetation around the lake, 237 genera, 325 species, 22 subspecies and 7 varieties belonging to 80 families were identified. 16 endemic plant species have been identified within the boundaries of the area. Of these, 10 species are in LC (Low Threatened), 3 species in VU (Vulnerable, Vulnerable), 2 species in NT (Endangered Candidate) and 1 species in EN (Endangered). The areas where these species are concentrated are natural thresholds.

The nature park also hosts 261 bird, 22 reptile and 19 mammal species. There are 5 islands in Bafa Lake (Twin Island, Menet Island, Kapikiri Island, Kahve Asar Island. There are Byzantine period defense structures and monasteries on these islands. The most vibrant and healthy plant species of the delta ecosystem and the eastern Mediterranean scrub community can be seen with short and pleasant botanical tours in the spring. This area, which was a flood plain in the past, today hosts the ecosystem features of the Buyuk Menderes Delta and provides a breeding and wintering environment for many endangered bird species.

Endangered Khashoggi Is Here
The Spoonbill Bird, which is in danger of extinction in the world, breeds on the islets in the lake, and the White Tailed Eagle breeds on the Besparmak Mountains adjacent to the lake. Birds such as Little Grebe, Bahri, Cormorant, Little Cormorant, Crested Pelican, Gray Duck, Elmabas Patka, Swamp Swamp, Spur-lug Puppies, Sakarmeke and Flamingo come to the lake for shelter during the winter months. Therefore, Lake Bafa is an Important Bird Area. Local and foreign visitors coming to Lake Bafa can do nature walks, photo safari, painting, landscape watching, angling, camping, observation and botanical tours in all seasons of the year.