Apple AirTag Prevents $1 Million Theft

Can theft, which is one of the most concerned issues of citizens, be prevented? In addition to the measures to be taken in person, new generation tools such as Apple AirTag have also started to come into play.

Recently, we see that the Apple AirTag accessory provides interesting protection against theft. Some city governments have even started to distribute free Apple AirTags to citizens. It’s not unfair either.
Apple AirTag Anti-Theft
According to the latest news, two thieves who stole $1.1 million from an armored truck in Chicago were caught by Apple AirTag. The accessory, which the owner of the coins had hidden in one of the bags, enabled the thieves to be followed up to the meeting point.
Security forces followed the thieves walking around the city step by step with AirTag signals and detained them at their homes. The hidden money was also returned to its owner. It was stated that one of the suspects had been sought by the FBI for some time. The city administration recommends that the security forces be informed in such cases of theft and that they should not act alone.