Where do the people ,who want to learn Turkish, to start ?

To know a foreign language is a necessary beyond being privilige in our developing and changing world. There are many different teaching methods of learning foreign languages that are learned for purposes of vocational career, education, meeting with new cultures and so on. Here are the hints about where and how to begin learning.
To receive education in the country in which is spoken target language
The most important step is going to the country in which is spoken that language. It wil be more effective method than courses or education programs. Being exsopured to daily language and to use the language for expressing yourselves provide to learn linguistic structure and pronunciation.
To watch foreign movies with subtitles
Daily language is used in current foreign movies and series. Characters express themselves like a person in street while speaking, and we see different linguistic structures. To watch movies and series with subtitles helps to get habit of pronunciation abilities and being understood more easily.
To try translate foreign songs
You can listen the foreign songs which are written in the language that you want to learn, and you can try to pronounce the words in which these songs. Also you can learn the meanings of the words. To listen foreign songs is the most enjoyable way of learning the language, also it provides to understand different types of accents.
To read easy and understandable books
To read the books ,which has been written recently in target language, can be initial exercising to learn a new language. The most important point to be cared is that the language is a state of continious changing and developing. A book, that was written 100 year ago , is composed of words with different liguistics structures and cohesion. Because of that, newly-written books have sovereignty on the language. For example, series of Harry Potter are the best choice for the ones who want to learn English. Orhan Pamuk’s books will be a correct choice for the ones who want to learn Turkish.
To create a dictionary to your’s name
The most challenging study is to learn new vocabularies. The easiest way of this is to create a dictionary to your’s name. You can faciliate the process of learning by adding the most used words to the dictionary.
To benefit from applications
Foreign language applications, which can be dowloaded on your mobile phones, are one of the most useful ways to learn a new language. Foreign language application offer many different teaching methods such as learning vocabularies, praciticing pronunciations, exercises and so on.
To use the foreign language in every part of live
You can learn the language more easily and fast with exercises. If you are two friends that try to learn the same language, you can make practises by speking in target language.
Language practises can be developed with youtube videos. You can begin with gaining the detailed information about the target language.
Not to afraid of learning a new language
Sometimes, to learn a foreign language can seems challenging, teriffiying even impossibble. Firstly, you should be determined to learning o foreign language. Send the signal of “ I’m going to learn this language.” to your brain and begin to study of language learning without delay.
Don’t create long time between you studyings. Repeat the informations that you have learned within the day and make practises. Don’t forget that no language can be learned without practises.