What is Deposit Concept in Turkey? How much should Deposit Amount be?

The concept of deposit can be defined as the security amount given to the owner as money or valuable papers against adverse situations that may occur in the laws of the Republic of Turkey. In Turkey, the deposit is commonly a subject of housing rental contracts. The deposit is a security deposit given by the tenant to the owner of the property in case of possible non-payment of rent, damage to the property or its contents. If you are going to set a deposit amount in the lease, this security deposit cannot exceed 3 months’ rent. When you leave the house you rented at the end of the contract, if you do not owe a rent, if you have not caused any damage to the house and the furniture in the house, you can get the deposit you paid back.
What Should do If the Deposit not Refunded?
In cases where the tenant evacuates the immovable at the end of the lease and if there is no adverse event, the deposit amount must be returned within 3 months at the latest. Upon the delivery of the immovable to him in accordance with the contract, the owner is obliged to return the deposit to the tenant, if there is no damage due to the rental agreement. If the houseowner does not fulfill its obligation to return, the lessee may apply to the court for a refund of the deposit. In addition, you should not forget that potential damages that may occur in the real estate will be collected by the landlord from the deposit price.
If you have questions about the deposit application in Turkey, you can send them to us in the comments section.
Thanks for your post!! Could you point us out about the procedure/steps about how to apply to the court in case that the house owner is not refunding the deposit?
If you encounter this situation, we recommend you contact a police station and take action by using your legal rights.