What are the Responsibilities of Lawyers for Foreigners in Legal Issues in Turkey?

If we want to mention about the responsibilities of lawyers for their foreign clients in Turkey, we would find it useful to briefly talk about the scope of the legal profession. The legal profession is basically defined through the person who performs a public duty by advising and representing the defense in legal processes. Legally, for working as a lawyer in Turkey, they must have a law school diploma and then have a license after internship process, and as a result, they must be registered with a bar association. Persons who do not meet these conditions cannot legally practice as a lawyer. Likewise, practicing the profession of attorneyship by foreigners is prohibited in Turkey. Thus, foreign people holding a valid law school diploma and license cannot practice their profession in Turkey in accordance with current laws.
Basicly, the responsibilities of lawyers to foreigners are similar, even if there are different legal proceedings and the ability to provide advice in cases. As a basic responsibility, it can be said that lawyers have to fulfill the legal process, which they assume the most important responsibility towards foreign clients, in a careful, clear and explanatory manner. These responsibilities include keeping the foreigner’s lawyer confidential, keeping legal documents and documents, following the work undertaken until the completion process, avoiding conflicts of interest, informing the foreigner appropriately and adequately and protecting the interests of the foreigner according to the rules of law. Lawyers can share their predictions and opinions on the legal consequences of the case with the foreigner, based on their experience, throughout the legal process. However, they cannot provide any guarantee or commitment regarding the outcome of the cases. Foreigners can work with a private lawyer for their legal processes in Turkey or, if they do not have enough financial means, they can also request lawyer services from the relevant bar associations.
If you have questions about the responsibilities of lawyers in Turkey towards foreigners in legal matters, you can send them to us in the comments section.