
Turkish Space Agency President Serdar Hüseyin Yıldırım: “They Create Earthquakes Thanks to Weapons in Space”

The claim of the President of the Turkish Space Agency that “an earthquake with a magnitude of 7-8 was created with 10 meters of titanium alloy rods thrown from space” became the agenda.

After the earthquakes that occurred in Southeastern Anatolia and destroyed 11 provinces, the earthquake statements made long ago by the President of the Turkish Space Agency, Serdar Hüseyin Yıldırım, went viral.


In the speech shared on social media and received thousands of comments, Yıldırım said, “There are warrior satellites that can send titanium alloy 10-meter sticks from space to the world to any target! These rods penetrate 5 kilometers deep into the ground, creating an earthquake with a magnitude of 7-8. It is not possible to detect them.”


Upon the spread of the post, Yıldırım made a statement on the subject on social media. In the messages he shared on February 15, he made the following statements:

“There are many questions about the video that has been circulating on social media for a few days. This short video is an excerpt from a conference I gave a long time ago at a strategy institute. I explained the weapon system that can wipe out a small city from the map when deployed and used in Earth orbit. This weapon system has no function such as triggering fault lines or creating tectonic earthquakes. Therefore, it has nothing to do with the Maraş disaster, which is a tectonic earthquake that occurred on a known fault line. I don’t want it to be misunderstood. The effect of this weapon is comparable to a meteorite impact.”


Serdar Hüseyin Yıldırım, who moved from Istanbul Technical University Aeronautical Engineering Department to Berlin Technical University Aerospace Sciences Department, completed his master’s degree at this university. After serving as the Chairman of the Board of the State Airports Authority and the General Directorate of Aviation and Space Technologies, he was appointed as the first president of the Turkish Space Agency with the Presidential decision dated 7 August 2019.

Ece Nagihan

Hi, I'm Ece. I am a writer for Expat Guide Turkey and I strive to create the best content for you. To contact me, you can send an e-mail to Happy reading!


  1. This kind of natural disaster does not just occur & cause over 200 earthquakes over a small period of time…..there is HAARP technology, if the non-feeble minded care to read further into it, is caused by 180 antennas which blast over a billion whats of radio frequency into the ionosphere which is then deflected back onto earth to a set target location….this blast would cause location to disrupt the tectonic plate (Turkeys being one of weakest on the planet) which will then create the plates to move hence the earthquakes & further tremors & disruptions…..there is an app to observe how many earthquakes & tremors have taken place since 6th Feb in Turkey……there is live video footage of flashes of light in the night sky by surveillance cameras which cannot be caused by lightening as there was no storm that evening…..

    ….the lights are caused by HAARP technology….furthermore, there are patents online that express the use of weather manipulation….anyone choosing to response please come with a comprehensive response & don’t belittle yourselves with poorly calculated responses….stay safe & pray for those victim to such terrorism

    1. The flashes in the video are electrical transformers blowing up when wires snap in the earthquake and they get shorted. And there are plenty of records of “these types of earthquakes” going back hundreds of years, including in this area.

    2. Only weak people believe in such misleading propaganda. Why the “devil powers” dont use “haarp” over their enemies , regularly and massively ? Bla-bla…

    3. Really Tommy B? The answer to give you it’ll be too long and I have to get back to work, earthquakes happened all over the world and specially on the tectonic plates along the time, thousands years ago was no technology, or maybe…..the little green creature? Get real, get a job a woman have kids and enjoy your life. Good luck Tommy B

    4. Some buildings withstood with no damage at all! If there were no such massive greed and corruption involved in the process of building there would have been much less destruction and suffering.
      But we usually don’t want to admit our own fault.

    5. I agreed with ur reply 100%.
      My humble request to guide me to take care of the effectee Turkish Muslim / adoption a small family of two or three.
      We r also a small Muslim family in Pakistan. They can live and stay with us as a part of our family…
      However I trying also to approach Turkish consulate here.
      Please guide if we be any help.

  2. Why is journalism so dead these days? Misleading titles and clickbaits everytime i open google on my phone, unimportant news reports such as ”this person divorced” or ”that person is sad about the state of the world”. It’s always such uninformative stuff that it seems to me like the media wants people to stay occupied with the dumbest things to exist and hide all the other problems.

  3. Why is journalism so dead these days? Misleading titles and clickbaits everytime i open google on my phone, unimportant news reports such as ”this person divorced” or ”that person is sad about the state of the world”. It’s always such uninformative stuff that it seems to me like the media wants people to stay occupied with the dumbest things to exist and hide all the other problems

  4. Any evidences like photo(s) or video shown that 10 meters of titanium alloy rods thrown from space” ?

    1. Once a creation is secret, its always a secret. Even the covid was a secret. Until now no one bothers the damage n desease. Live goes on. Pray to safe this planet. Thats the only answer.

    1. Thinking was your first mistake….deciding to type was the second…..stick to being stuffed & leave the grown stuff to real people…

      You NPCs get too much privilege as it is 💩

  5. Under Seige dark territories.. artificial earthquake created by military satelites.

  6. But aren’t earthquakes with their origin at shallower than 10000m regarded as man made?

  7. They should discuss bad building parameter they have in Turkey. Most buildings dropped down thanks to present government. Handling nonprofissional your life like handling your child your car he will destroye it

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