Toxic Catfish in the Mediterranean!

In Mersin, which has a 321 kilometer coast to the Mediterranean Sea, it was determined that the striped catfish (Plotosus lineatus) with poisonous spines, which is an invasive species in the region for the first time, settled down to the shore during the exploratory dive.
Mersin University (MEU) Fisheries Faculty Processing Technology Lecturer Prof. Dr. together with Deniz Ayas, a team of 6 people conducted an exploratory dive between Erdemli-Silifke districts regarding invasive species due to the project of “Developing the infrastructure of sea creatures museum activity”.
Diving for 2 days, the team spotted the striped catfish with poisonous spines, which came to Turkey from the Red Sea around the Akkum reefs in the pilot area, for the first time in Mersin, which has a 321-kilometer Mediterranean coast.
The team also noted that the pointy-nosed mullet, which entered the Mediterranean 10 years ago and was followed for a year, could affect the population of the local red mullet, which reproduced intensively.

Pointing out that the striped catfish has poison in its spines like a lionfish, Porf said. Dr. Ayas said, “Both the dorsal and pectoral fins have many rays, bony rays. And there are poisons in them. When our people come across this species, they need to go to a health institution urgently, especially in case of injuries. Because it can develop painful and serious inflammatory symptoms when its spines prick. “Like lionfish, there is no poison in its meat. It can be consumed,” he said.