Things to do by The Students Who want to do Internship

With its universities which is are among top places in the World rankings, the industry branches which are found in leading position in different sectors and the quality life standards provided to students, Turkey is one of the countries which are preferred to do internship by many foreign student.
Two different legislations are in force for the students who want to undergo training;
- The foreign students who receive training within the borders of Turkey may realize their internships without doing any extra thing under practical education in businesses if serving their internships is mandatory according to status of their schools.
- The foreign students who desire to make internship at a business in Turkey but have completed their trainings abroad also enter within the scope of article 55 of the Law no. 4817 and work permit is requested from the foreign students under this condition.
What to do by the Foreign nationals studying in Turkey ?
Foreign students who have finished their education and for whom doing internship are kept compulsory by their schools have the same status with Turkish students and no segregation is made between students. Works of foreign students under internship do not enter within the scope of “wage- earning employment”. The basic point to consider here is that foreign students fill out their internship files and all documents required for internship completely and participate in practical training in the course of internship.
Which conditions are sought for the Foreign nationals who have completed their education abroad and want to do internship in Turkey?
The foreign students who have completed their university education outside Turkey and desire to undergo training in Turkey are subjected to the regulation of the law on work permits of foreign nationals. Article 55 of related regulation of the law is as follows;
- All foreign students who certify their circumstance provided that it is limited to education period and does not exceed two years,
- The foreign students who want to increase their knowledge and good manners, to perform cultural activities via universities and public institutions and organizations,
- In case Ministry of Internal Affairs and Foreign Affairs and the Council of Higher Education allow mutually, the foreign students who will arrive Turkey under international trainee programs can do internship in the institutions and organizations to be identified by them.
In the event that there are no “compulsory practical internship” programs in the universities where foreign students study, all internship programs to which foreign nationals will apply to gain work or profession experience subject to work permit in pursuance of Turkish laws. Foreign students under this condition will be included in the scope of “insured worker” regardless of their working status in a business. The foreign students who have no work permit on account of this situation enter within the scope of illegal worker and in case of detecting this circumstance, penalties are applied to both person and business according to Turkish laws.
Which Conditions are required to take Trainee Permit for Foreign Students ?
- Associate degree, undergraduate, graduate and doctorate students who study in Turkey and for whom no compulsory internship program is found in their schools have to receive work permit in order to complete their internships.
- Internship permits of the foreign students who study in associate degree and undergraduate departments start following first year and their work periods are limited to 24 hours a week.
- The principles and procedures on work of the students in undergraduate and associate degree departments are set by Immigration Policies Board of Turkey. Besides, Ministry of Labour and Social Security is also competent authority on this matter.
What needs to be done to receive Internship Permit by Graduate and Postgraduate Students
Internship permits of the foreign students who study in graduate and postgraduate programs in Turkey only actualizes depending on work permit.
Sum of work permit periods of graduate and postgraduate students who take work permit in Turkey is added to sum of their residence periods. However, the residence permits valid in the same period are not included in this calculation and evaluated as a separate duration.
Foreign graduate and postgraduate students who have work permit and do internship based on this permit do not need to receive residence permit additionally. But the foreign nationals whose permit period ends and do not want to extend this duration are obliged to residence.