Things to be done to receive university education in Turkey by Foreigners
In recent years, Turkey has achieved the condition of an important country which has made its name in the field of education in the World. Facilities provided to students, increase of education quality every passing day and rise in standard of living are among the factors which become efficient for preferring Turkey by foreign students.
Although access terms to state universities or private universities are the same for foreign students, different certificate claims and access terms may exist in some instances between universities.
In Turkey where universities over 170 are found, all universities play important role in preparing for life and acquiring vocational proficiency both for Turkish students and foreign students with their quality education, campuses within social life and many different possibilities. Here, things to be done by foreign students to take university education in Turkey…
Admission Terms to Undergraduate Program for Foreign Students
The foreign students who want to receive university education in Turkey should firstly complete requested certificates and deliver them to relevant authorities. The following certificates are sought from foreign students who want to take university education;
Student admission form
Admission form is special to each university and these forms should be fillet out completely and delivered.
Diploma of high school or equivalent school
High school’s diploma should be approved by Turkish Foreign Representatives or notary and translated to Turkish.
Transcript – Academic Record
Transcript should be certified by school or notary and foreign representatives and translated to Turkish.
Financial Guarantee Letter
Enrolment Fee
These certificates required for enrolling to university till the deadline specified in academic calendar should be delivered in related departments of university. In problems like delay of certificate or missing certificate, etc. no enrolment transactions could be fulfilled.
To receive university education in Turkey, foreign students should take language proficiency examinations in Turkey and take sufficient score requested by university. The students who fail to necessary score in language proficiency examinations receive language preparation training for one (1) year. Following these trainings, the students who provide language proficiency are entitled to attend to courses of department.
University Entrance Exams Applied for Foreigners in Turkey
Change has taken place in university entrance systems for foreign students in Turkey from 2011. Till 2011, foreign student exam was held once and by central system. Today, each university organizes foreign student exam (YÖS) within its own body.
Foreign student exams of the university to be preferred are shared in detail over official internet site of universities. To all information like dates of examination, base points and things to do to take an exam, etc. students may easily access over university.
University entrance exams of foreign students are held within its own body of each university.
What are Legal Necessities for Foreign Students?
Student Visa
To the students who show success in the exams and entitled to be admitted to university, letter of acceptance is sent by university. Students abroad should go to Turkish consulate and receive student visa with this letter of acceptance. The students in Turkey may obtain student visa from External Representatives of Turkey.
Student visa is among compulsory certificates in enrolment stage to university.
Residence Permit
The foreign students who desire to take university education in Turkey should receive residence permit. Residence permits are granted by Immigration Authority in the cities resided. According to related law, foreign students should obtain residence permit in one (1) month after making entrance to Turkey.
Residence permits of Foreign Students are renewed each year.
Health Insurance
Health insurance that will be valid in Turkey and cover all health costs of student should be taken out. Some universities may cover health and medicine expenses of foreign students. However, in case of lack of such coverage of university, all health expenses of foreign students shall belong to them.