- Things to do in Kars
The population of Ardahan, Erzurum, Ağrı and Iğdır cities around Kars, which is located in the Eastern Anatolia Region, is 290 thousand people in total. Almost all buildings in Kars, which has the feature of being the highest city of our country, are historical monuments. The city, where different cultures live together in tolerance, contains a lot of historical richness. Kars is a unique geography that fascinates you with its rich cultural values as well as its places to visit. Known for its friendly and hospitable people, the city makes a name for itself with its UNESCO-listed historical buildings, breathtaking natural beauty and the Eastern Express, which is the number one travel tool of travelers. You don’t need to wait too long to see the little-known aspects and lifestyle of this impressive city up close. Kars, the last stop of the Eastern Express, opens the doors of a fabulous adventure for you. The city, brought to life with snow, is the guardian of a rich history that has witnessed kings, caravans, wars and victories. Today, Kars, which offers an unforgettable experience to its visitors with both a favorite ski resort and historical heritage, has many places to see and many things to do.
Here are the 5 things that you can do in Kars;
Firstly, you can visit Kars Castle. Kars Castle, which has three important gates, namely Water Gate or Çeribaşı Gate, Kağızman Gate and Behram Gate, contains the Celal Baba Tomb from the 12th century. The castle, known as the Central Castle, Inner Castle or Stadel, was built in 1153 AD by the order of the Sultan of Saltuk, Melik Izzeddin, by his Vizier Firuz Akay.
Kars is one of the cities where winter suits best in Turkey. Offering a unique ski experience with crystal snow seen only in the Alps, Sarıkamış Ski Center is located in the Çamurlu Mountains of Sarıkamış district of Kars. Moreover, the ski season takes quite a long time at Sarıkamış Ski Center. Snow thickness in Sarıkamış, where snow stays on the ground from the beginning of December to the middle of March, exceeds 1 meter on average. Sarıkamış Ski Center has gained an important place among the best ski resorts in Turkey in recent years with its tracks suitable for all skiers of different levels, whether amateur or professional.
Known as Ani Ruins, the Ancient City of Ani is located on the Armenian border of Kars, along the Arpaçay River. The city of Ani, which has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2016, reflects both the traces of Seljuk architecture and the culture and history of the Armenian Kingdom.
You can cross Çıldır Lake, which is beautiful in summer and another beautiful in winter, by boat in summer and a sleigh in winter. Trout can be caught year-round by drilling holes in Lake Çıldır, which is frozen in winter in Kars.
Also, you should definetly visit the Sarıkamış Martyrdom and the Kars Museum, where magnificent artifacts are exhibited.
How to get to Kars?
It can be said that the most popular transportation method for the Kars tour is the Eastern Express. If you prefer the railroad, which is one of the transportation trends in Kars, you can also see the cities of Kırıkkale, Kayseri, Sivas, Erzincan and Erzurum. You can also choose airline and land road.