Sexiest Jobs Announced!

A study conducted in England revealed the “sexiest professions”. According to the results of the research carried out by Fix Radio with the participation of 2000 thousand people, painters and decorators took place at the top of the professions found to be the sexiest. One in 20 respondents admitted to having an affair with a plasterer, builder, plumber, electrician or mechanic working in their home.
A study conducted in England managed to settle on the agenda of the country. The survey, which was completed with the participation of 2000 people, revealed striking results. According to the news of the Daily Star, most of the participants find people who work at home attractive. Painters and decorators were at the top of the occupational groups that people had the most contact with and found attractive with 9%, while roofers managed to enter the list with a rate of 2%.

The spokesperson of the survey, who was a guest on Fix Radio, stated that 6% of the respondents admitted to falling in love with people who work in construction work. “We found that 6% of the 2,000 Brits we surveyed admitted to falling in love with construction workers while they were working at home,” the survey administration said in a statement.
Evaluating the results of the survey, a construction worker named Tom Alexander stated that he sometimes flirts with the client, but never has a serious relationship.
Expressing that his colleagues talked about their relations with the customer, Alexander said, “Most of my colleagues fell in love with the customer. Some even got married. I think they do their job well, but I’ve heard some crazy stories too. It took years for a plumber I know to finish a job because every time he went to that client he had better things to do. “I’ve had my fair share of dating and relationships, but dating someone you work with never seems quite right, everything can end in tears and frustration.”