Pre-Orders for Togg C-SUV’s 2023 Special Series Will Be Made Via NFT; Only 2023 Pieces Will Be Produced

Users who own one of the 2023 special NFTs, “100. Year Special Edition” Togg C-SUVs will be eligible to pre-order.
Setting out for “more than just a car”, Togg launched its mobile application, the first contact point of its digital platform Trumore, on the App Store, Google Play and App Gallery. Togg’s Trumore application will also offer the right to participate in the pre-order and determine the ranking of the NFT collection, which will be produced specifically for the 100th anniversary of Turkey Republic and will be put up for sale by auction, and the Togg C-SUV, which has a collectible value of 2023.
NFTs, which will consist of artworks designed by world-renowned Cyber-Physical Architect and New Media Artist Güvenç Özel and New Media Artist Mehmet Ünal, are determined as “normal”, “rare”, “very rare” and “rareest” according to rarity types.
Those who own one of the 100th Anniversary Special Series NFTs will also have the right to order 2023 Togg smart devices with the same serial number as the NFT they purchased. Thanks to these rights, NFT owners will be able to order the Togg smart device when the pre-order date comes and they will be able to have one of the 2023 collectible Togg smart devices. Upon receipt of the pre-ordered Togg smart device by the NFT owner, the NFT will continue to be stored on the Togg smart device’s platform.

What are the differences in the Togg C-SUV special series
Users who download the Trumore application and create Tru.ID will be able to bid for only one NFT through the “NFT Buying Platform”, which will be located in the same area with the AVAX digital assets they transferred to their digital asset wallets, and can submit to NFT, which represents the numbers from 1 to 2023. Those who own the auction by winning the auction will also have purchased the right to pre-order the smart device on which this number is processed.
For example, a user who purchases NFT numbered 1923 through auction or direct purchase; Pre-order for the special serial smart device engraved on the front decorative panel, smart device key and trunk lid will be given priority and will be the owner of the smart device with the relevant number from this series.
The seats of these smart devices are also different from mass production. Anniversary Special Series Emblem will be produced in an embroidered form. “One Hundred Year Special Series” Togg smart devices will only be offered to NFT owners in Anadolu and Gemlik color options.

How to get NFT?
For NFTs that will be sold on the Trumore platform very soon and can be purchased with AVAX, purchases can be made by entering the NFT listing screen in the ‘NFT Purchase Platform’. If the highest bid is placed on the NFT of interest during the auction, the right to pre-order will belong to the bidder.
By tapping the ‘buy’ button in the application, users will be able to acquire the NFT they are interested in without waiting for the auction period to end. A Tru.ID user will only be able to own one 100th Anniversary Special Series NFT artifact.
Greetings for Seven Four Seven Trade Ltd. We are potential for cars and suv business. Recently we have nine respective automobile showrooms in our establishment and under our Management. We are very interested in dealerships of Togg cars. Please let us know if you are interested.