Netflix Games Not Working on IOS?

Netflix, one of the largest video platforms in the world has taken another big step with the Netflix game that it attaches great importance to.
The first official week launched for Netflix Games is outside of its Android rollout. For those who do not know, this new process is to set off from the Play Store-based game. So the games are not played from the cloud in the main Netflix app. Netflix’s Android spending includes the game section, when the game to be played is pressed, it must be done through the Google Play Store. Netflix Gaming will offer similarly from Apple’s iOS. In other words, games on iPhone and iPad can be played by downloading them one by one from the App Store. Access to these games will be made directly from the Settlement.
That’s not exactly what Netflix wanted, and it’s reportedly planned to move games to the cloud. Netflix is said to have a chance to do this on the Android side. In other words, the company can play games directly from the cloud within its main application, thus offering a much better experience. It is not possible for Netflix to do this on the iOS side if there are no privileges or rule changes. Apple absolutely does not allow this and wants games to be listed one by one in the App Store. Currently, other cloud services are not allowed by Apple. For this reason, many game-based cloud services run on a browser basis, not as an app on iOS devices.