Natural Gas Found in the Black Sea! Studies Started in Turkey!

A 170-kilometer natural gas pipeline will be laid in the Black Sea to transport 540 billion cubic meters of natural gas to land. A ceremony will be held on 13 June with the participation of Erdoğan for the launching of the pipes. On the other hand, the works of laying pipes on land to connect the naturalgas to the main distribution line have started.
An important point has been reached in the process of extracting 540 billion cubic meters of naturalgas in the Black Sea, for which President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave the good news. The ship “Castroro 10”, which passed Canakkale to lay naturalgas pipes on a 170-kilometer line from the sea, arrived at Filyos Port.
Monday Starts
The natural gas pipes stored in the field belonging to TPAO at Filyos Port will be placed on the seabed on a 170-kilometer line by the ship named Castoro-10 as of June 13. At the same time, onshore pipe laying works continue simultaneously to transport the gas to the main line.
While 13 auxiliary vessels provide logistical support to the Fatih, Kanuni and Yavuz Drilling Ships to bring the gas ashore, 4,200 personnel work overtime.

It Will Settle at a Depth of 2200 Meters
The first pipe to be lowered from Filyos Port to the area where the drilling wells are located will be realized with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. At the ceremony to be held on June 13, the pipes will be placed at a depth of 2,200 meters in the sea.
In the project, where it is planned to produce 10 million cubic meters of naturalgas at the first stage, the first gas will be given to the main distribution network in 2023.