Mine Tugay drew attention with her red bikini summer post!

Mine Tugay drew attention with her red bikini summer post!
Turning 45, famous actress MineTugay shared photos of herself in a red bikini on her social media account. The photos shared with the note “Summer” received many likes in a short time. This post of Tugay received comments from her followers such as ‘Sister, what will you get old?’, ‘The most beautiful woman in the history of the world’.
Famous actress MineTugay continues to make a name for herself with her posts on social media. In his last post, Tugay shared photos of himself in a red bikini with the note “Summer”.
Followers of the beautiful actress’s post made comments such as “The only person who suits red”, “Sister, don’t you ever age?”, “The most beautiful woman in world history”.
Mine Tugay recently announced that she turned 45 with a post on her social media account.