
Matters to be known by the Foreigners who want to start University in Turkey

With its universities which are at the top in World rankings, the academicians who are successful from each other and enhanced laboratory possibilities, Turkey is quite ideal country for many students who want to receive undergraduate and graduate education.

For higher education which covers at least two-year education programs, at first, it is necessary to be graduated from compulsory secondary education. The higher education institutions which span associate degree, undergraduate, graduate and doctorate programs are sorted as institutes, conservatories, faculties and vocational high schools.

53 pcs stated universities, 24 pcs foundation universities are found in Turkey, total 1.9 million students have been studying in these universities.

Admission Conditions for Undergraduate Programs in Turkey

The candidates who desire receiving education in state universities or private universities should apply personally to universities. Each university in Turkey designates its own admission conditions and never admit student except for these conditions. In general, the universities admitting student in Turkey request the following circumstances:

  • Certificate of secondary education which is deemed equal to high school diploma following elementary and secondary education and the transcript showing high school grades should be available.
  • Sufficient grade should be received from the examinations like GCE, ACT, SAT having international validity or the grade sought for Foreign Student Examination (YÖS) be taken.
  • Other admission conditions are announced in their internet sites of universities.

What is Foreign Student Examination (YÖS)?

As with each country and its education system, the foreign students who want to study in Turkey should take a valid grade in a special examination. This examination called Foreign Student Examination (YÖS) in Turkey measures different qualifications.

In YÖS consisting of two stages, students should firstly pass from a test named as “Basic Learning Skills Test”. In this test which aims at measuring abstract thinking levels of candidates, to preclude emergence of language barrier, English explanations are also found next to Turkish question.

In another stage, “Turkish Test“ is applied. Objective of the test is based on   the power of understanding, comprehending and commenting the expressions written Turkish. Two test types are also efficient in entering the university, but while some universities take basic learning skills test as basis, other, grade of Turkish test.

Those being citizen of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the students whose either one of nationality is citizenship of KKTC or Republic of Turkey have no right to take YÖS examination. In order to receive university education, the candidates having these criteria may actualize their application processes via their school diplomas of the school equivalent to high school they have graduated

YÖS is a type of examination that only foreign students can take.

Doing Master Degree and Doctorate in Turkey

Master degree, doctorate, specialty in medicine or proficiency in art program are referred to post graduate programs in Turkey. Master degree program conducted through institutes is provided in two different education programs, with and without thesis. While master degree program with thesis covers 7 courses, one seminar and thesis studies, master degree without thesis comprises minimum 10 courses and semester Project.     Period of study for master degree programs is two years.

Minimum seven courses are taken in doctorate programs, proficiency examinations are entered for yearly, thesis recommendations are formed and thesis studies are initiated. Maximum 4 years are granted to students for completion of doctorate program courses. Finishing doctorate program also involves 8 semi-annual periods. The candidates who will apply to doctorate program should have master degree. Specialty in medicine programs are carried out personally in university hospitals, the hospitals affiliated to Ministry of Health and the hospitals affiliated to Social Security Institution.

The foreign students who will lodge an application to postgraduate programs should hold undergraduate diplomas, the transcripts which document diploma grade and show course grades and the letters of reference and intention. Letter of reference may be received from the teacher of alma mater or an instructor having academic career who has studied with you before. However letter of intent is written by candidates and it is tried to understand why he/she wants to enter in postgraduate program. For postgraduate transition, ALES result or a score requested for one of the examinations at international level should be succeeded.

Language of Instruction in Turkey

As is known, the biggest obstacle in front of the students who want to have university education in a foreign country is mostly language barrier. Turkey possesses a university education model which provides easiness from this aspect. The universities in Turkey give educations in two different languages, Turkish and English. Students should accomplish language proficiency and later attend courses. For the students who are admitted to university but fail to meet language proficiency, first year is preparatory period and only language training is presented in this year. The students who take the examination held at the end of year and become exempted from language examinations are entitled to attend classes of department.

Expat Guide Turkey

Expat Guide Turkey is a news website that shares important events in Turkey and news concerning foreigners in Turkey. It also contains a guide to undiscovered places, city and district about Turkey.

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