How to do a Digital Detox?

Excessive use of technology, especially the phone, can lead to both physical and mental problems. So how do you know when it’s time for a digital detox? Does digital detox mean getting away from the phone completely? What are the benefits of a digital detox? Here is a step-by-step digital detox…
It is undeniable that technology and the digital world make life easier. However, the uncontrolled and disproportionate use of technology carries risk factors that will adversely affect human life. It can cause problems such as low back, neck, headache, posture disorder, weight gain due to inactivity, as well as depression, weakening of social bonds, and disconnection from reality. It is healthier for everyone to use technology as much as necessary and to use it correctly and on time.
Detox is the process of removing excess substances from the body. Digital detox is no different from the commonly known term detox. It aims to be purified from what is harmful and to be balanced. A digital detox is when a person voluntarily stops using digital devices such as smartphones, computers, and social media platforms for a certain period of time. Turning off notifications, keeping a distance from technology or trying to keep the phone away during the digital detox period will positively affect physical and mental health. It will also reduce the level of exposure to radiation.
- Using more technology than necessary makes it difficult to remember the facts.
- It triggers feeling more lonely and jealous.
- It harms the ability to empathize.
- It can cause chronic insomnia.
- It takes away from deep thinking and analysis.
- It can cause a dependent brain and physical and mental withdrawal symptoms.

Need to do a digital detox? To decide this, pay attention to these signs:
- Feeling anxious or stressed when you can’t find the phone
- Feeling obliged to check the phone every few minutes
- Feeling depressed, anxious, or angry after spending time on social media
- Concerned about the number of likes, comments, or reshares on social posts
- Experiencing anxiety and fear of kidnapping when not checking social media
- You often find yourself staying up late or getting up early to hit social media
- Difficulty concentrating on something without checking the phone
Before you start a digital detox, set your own timeframe. Your first goal may be to devote your one-day, or better still, two-day weekend to a digital detox. Then, this detox at regular intervals; For example, you can bring it into your life once a month on a weekend and expand it in the future. It is important that you determine the time interval and frequency according to your own needs.
Schedule tech-free hours every day, stay away from your phone during meals, or take up various hobbies and try tech-free activities.
When you want to use your phone, think about why. If you are using your phone to avoid an activity, it is a negative coping behavior. Think about how you can better deal with this emotion.
Take paper and pen to plan your work.
Keep technology out of your bedroom. Do not pick up the phone as soon as you wake up in the morning.

As soon as you start paying attention to your surroundings instead of focusing on smart devices, you start to build friendships where personal relationships deepen.
Spending less time in front of the computer allows you to have a healthier and upright body posture.
As a result of stopping using technological devices 2-3 hours before sleep, the body increases the release of melatonin (a sleep hormone secreted at night), and thus you fall asleep faster.
As soon as you get away from the constant distraction created by the Internet, you become more prone to making vital decisions that you postpone.