How Many Times a Day Do We Look at Our Phones?

How Many Times a Day Do We Look at Our Phones?
It was investigated how many times people look at their phones during the day, and the results are quite striking. Here is the data shared and more!
According to a study, it was determined how many times people check their phones during the day. In the global research, an evaluation was made over 5 thousand people and people between the ages of 18-47 were taken into consideration.
6.925 billion people in the world use smartphones. This research presented data that can prove how addicted people are to their smartphones.
89 out of every 100 people check their phones 144 times a day!
As a result of the research, quite striking data were reached. According to this, 89 out of every 100 people pick up their phone exactly 144 times a day. One out of every 10 people looks at the phone for more than five hours.
A quarter of these people spend at least three hours a day looking at the screen. It was also calculated that users consume 4.8 kilometers of content by swiping. There is another calculation that is even stranger than this interesting result.

It was about where people usually look at their phones. According to this study, 69 percent of people use their phones in the restroom. And 60 percent of users prefer to text with people in the same house from different rooms.
It was also learned that 75 percent of people look at their phones in the first three minutes after waking up. Forty-seven percent of smartphone users start to worry when the charge drops below 20 percent.
According to the “2023 Mobile Communication Sector Report” prepared by the Mobile Communication Tools and Information Technologies Businessmen Association (MOBİSAD), there are 1.68 million smartphone users in Turkey.
The surveys conducted across Turkey are not much different from those conducted around the world. According to the data presented by MOBİSAD, the daily time Turks spend on the internet is 7 hours and 24 minutes. 14.21 million people do not use the internet.
So do you think today’s people live connected to smartphones? Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.