First of all, if there is no legal obstacle and the necessary official documents are provided, it is possible for foreigners to get married in Turkey. In this article, you can find all the details about the marriage of foreigners in Turkey. Foreign parties of the marriage can also apply for Turkish citizenship, provided that they remain married for the periods specified in the law and meet all legal conditions. Foreigners whose applications are evaluated positively can also obtain Turkish citizenship and continue their lives in Turkey indefinitely. In this article, we will give a brief information about how long the application for Turkish citizenship by marriage can be concluded.
In principle, a foreigner who is married with a Turkish citizen must remain legally married for 3 years to obtain Turkish citizenship. Citizenship application can be made legally during these processes and if your marriage is a real marriage. If you meet all the conditions specified in the law, you can apply to the Provincial Population Directorate in your city with the official documents. In this application file, you must have a valid and legal passport and a residence permit that provides that you are legally residing in Turkey. However, if you are not currently living in Turkey, it is useful to remind you that you can make your application to the official representatives of the Republic of Turkey in the country you reside. After the completion of your application, the evaluation and review process takes approximately 24 months. Note that this process may take longer and additional information and documents may be requested from you when necessary. You can also inquire about the status of your application by applying to the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management in your province.
If you have questions about the Citizenship Application Process by Marriage in Turkey, you can send them to us in the comments section.
I am a Canadian living in Turkey, I want to become a Turkish citizen through marriage, my birth certificate does not have my fathers name on it, my mother didn’t add him when I was born , will my birth certificate still be accepted?
We would suggest you to contact Civil Registry İnsitiution (Nufüs Müdürlüğü)in your residing city /town in regards of your issues.
When should i start my process for citizenship if i have been married for 2 years and have a 19 months baby with turkish citizenship? And if i am a Mother of a turkish citizen does it make me more eligible for a fast citizenship?
How to start Turkish citizenship for me been married 21 years to Turkish citizen
Do I need to remain in turkey 3 years physically residence to apply for citizenship through marriage
Or only enough to have registered marriage for 3 years