Aydin Public Hospital

Aydin Public Hospital
Aydin is the province of Turkey and it is the twentieth most populous city. It si Located in the Aegean Region, and it is one of the most developed provinces in terms of tourism and agriculture. There are Izmir in the north, Manisa in the northeast, Denizli in the east, Muğla in the south and the Aegean Sea in the west. As of 2019, it is the third largest city in the Aegean Region with a population of 1,110,972. It has seventeen districts. Aydın hosted various civilizations, and they are prominent cities such as Aphrodisias, Milet, Didyma, Nysa, Priene, and Magnesia in the Ancient Age. Today’s Aydin, along with the city of Tralleis, developed during the Hittites in 2500 BC, and lived its brightest age in the 8th century in Lydia. It is equipped with the cultural assets and works of Turkish civilization together with the Seljuks.
The hospital is one of the most important building blocks of Aydın in terms of health services. It has become a hospital that has made significant progress with the contributions of Aydın people, who have provided outpatient, inpatient and home health services to the people of our city for many years. Aydın Public Hospital, which aims to provide the highest quality health service in every branch of modern medicine since the day it was founded, is a health complex with a service area of 33.202m2 in total. It is the hospital with the largest bed capacity in the region with its polyclinics and number of clinic beds. It offers the highest quality healthcare service with its talented, well-equipped and smiling health personnel. the aim of the hospital is to provide effective, active, efficient and quality health services in 71 intensive care beds and other medical fields such as Reanimation, Coronary, Internal Medicine, Chest, Neurology, Surgery, Neonatal Intensive Care. It offers a continuously developing health service in line with its innovative line With the Emergency Service and Emergency Branch Polyclinics, Home Care Unit, Cancer Research Early Diagnosis and Treatment Center.
You can find all of the polyclinics below.
Anesthesiology and Reanimation,
Neurosurgery (Brain and Nerve Surgery),
Pediatric Surgery,
Child Psychiatry,
Dermatology and Venereal Diseases,
Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases,
Infectious Diseases (Infectious Diseases),
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation,
Gastroenterology Surgery,
General Surgery,
Chest Surgery Chest Diseases,
Eye Diseases,
Internal Diseases (Internal Medicine),
Cardiovascular Surgery,
Orthopedics and Traumatology,
Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,
Sports Medicine ,
Medical Genetics,
Medical Oncology,
You can reach Aydın Public Hospital by using 4, 403, 404, 504, bus lines and HAVAŞ-AYDIN.