Life in Turkey

Average Age of Registered Cars in Turkey is 14

According to TUIK data, as of the end of 2022, there are 26 million 482 thousand 847 motor land vehicles registered to traffic, and the average age of the cars among them is quite high.

According to the data shared by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), 1 million 269 thousand 912 vehicles were registered to traffic in Turkey in 2022. Thus, there was an increase of 10.1 percent in the number of vehicles registered to traffic compared to the previous year.

The number of vehicles registered to traffic in December was recorded as 137,173. 41.2 percent of these vehicles were automobiles and 37.2 percent were motorcycles. In December, the number of registered cars increased by 1.9 percent compared to the previous month. When the number of registered cars is compared to the same month of the previous year, there is a 91.2% increase.

Most Fiat cars registered in December

Of the 56 thousand 506 cars registered in December, 14.5% Fiat, 13.9% Renault, 7.2% Toyota, 6.1% Volkswagen, 6% Hyundai, 5% 0.4 percent Opel, 4.3 percent Kia, 4.3 percent Mercedes-Benz, 4.1 percent Peugeot, 3.9 percent Dacia, 3.7 percent BMW, 3 percent 0.7 percent Honda, 3.5 percent Citroen, 3.4 percent Skoda, 2.9 percent Audi, 2.4 percent Nissan, 2.2 percent Ford, 1.7 percent Seat was 1.4 percent, Volvo 1.2 percent, Suzuki 1.2 percent and other brands 4.3 percent.

Diesel Still the Leader in the Total Car Park

When we analyze the 566 thousand 280 cars registered to the traffic in the January-December 2022 period by fuel type, we see that 70.1 percent of them are gasoline powered cars. It is followed by diesel with 18 percent, hybrid with 8.5 percent, LPG with 2 percent and electric cars with 1.4 percent, respectively. As of the end of December, 36.9 percent of the 14 million 269 thousand 352 cars registered to the traffic were diesel, 35.1 percent LPG, 26.8 percent gasoline, 0.9 percent hybrid and 0.1 percent. It was recorded electrically.

As of the end of 2022, the average age of 26 million 482 thousand 847 motor land vehicles registered to traffic in Turkey was calculated as 14.8. The average age was 14 for cars, 15.5 for minibuses, 15.4 for buses, 13.3 for pickup trucks, 17.8 for trucks, 13.3 for motorcycles, 14.3 for special purpose vehicles and 24.4 for tractors.

Ece Nagihan

Hi, I'm Ece. I am a writer for Expat Guide Turkey and I strive to create the best content for you. To contact me, you can send an e-mail to Happy reading!

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