Turkey having a deep rooted history is a country which is found at junction point of West and east, with highly important strategic location. Being surrounded on three sides by the sea and holding strategic crossing points like Canakkale and Bosphorus, etc. raises the importance of Turkey and places it on very significant position.
Turkey which establishes very good relationships with Western countries and the regime of which has been Republic since 1923 has adopted liberal economy system, become fast advancing and developing country of the world. In Turkey where different ethnic groups live together, cultural richness is high and assumed as one of the safest countries in its region, advantages of studying in university is quite a lot. University education which possesses modern style with international validity is given in Turkey. Instruction languages of universities are English and Turkish, language training is provided for each admitted candidate and following preparatory classes, transfer to university departments happens.
Advantages Provided with Foreign Students by Turkish Universities
High Education Standards
Turkish universities having validity in the world offers higher education far above standards with its sense of quality education, successful teaching staff and education system integrated with the World. Thanks to this, students may easily ascens success steps, getting ready for both life and their professions.
Diploma Programs with International Validity
Diplomas of the foreign students who study in university in Turkey are the ones which have got validity and, equivalency of which is acknowledged in many counties of Europe, America and the World. As diploma equivalency of each university show difference, looking at diploma equivalency regulation of the university thought to enter will ensure you to reach more correct results.
Student Focused, Modern and Equipped Campuses
Both state universities and private universities give students an opportunity to reach information in easiest way, providing education environment in wide, comfortable and full equipped campuses. With libraries, laboratories, student clubs, artistic activity area and many more student activities, students complete their higher education in modern education campuses.
Economic and Safe Education Opportunity
While Turkey displays exceptionally developed features compared to its region, it draws very safe country image at the same time. In very active social life apart from its neighbours, it is possible to study under more economical conditions in Turkey than Europe and America.
Turkish Hospitality and Amicable Relations
Turkey where young population is extensive is a special country that accepts foreigner immediately and presents all kinds of possibilities for their comfort. Turkish hospitality is a concept having validity in World literature and the sincerity and cordiality is always at highest level.
Quality and Easy Accessible Accommodation, Nutrition and Transport Opportunities
Accommodation, nutrition and transport possibilities, one of the most basic requirements of students are offered within the exceptionally developed system in Turkey. A lot of universities render consultancy services to adapt faster to the life in Turkey of foreign students.
Each university has got their dormitories belonging to it and at accessible distances. These dormitories may be private enterprises as well as state dormitories. In addition to staying at dormitory, renting a house is another option for accommodation. It is likely to find apart, rooms or houses only rented for student around university.
Each university holds quality, clean dining halls which present food service with suitable prices. You can eat three meals a day in university dining hall or prefer university canteen.
Public transport system is very developed in metropolitans. With alternative mass transit opportunities like subway, streetcar, bus, shared taxi and bus rapid transit, etc. accessing from one place to another one is very easy. Students use discount card for inner-city transportation and transport costs constitute very low figures.