A to Z Details About YOS Exam in Turkey

What is YOS?
Who Can Apply to the YOS Exam?

The most important condition to apply to YOS is to be a foreign national or to be a Turkish citizen who completed their high school education outside of Turkey. If any of these conditions is applied to you the rest of the conditions below becomes valid:
- Being a high school graduate or last year student
- Being a foreign national with a blue card
- Turkish citizens with dual nationality
- Turkish citizens who completed their high school education in any foreign country aside from Northern Cyprus
- Northern Cypriots who live and completed their high school education in Northern Cyprus and have their GCE AL results
Turkish Universities Which Accept Students with the YOS Exam
Most universities in Turkey provide the candidates with the right of registration with YOS exam. This is some of these universities:
- Ankara University
- Adana Alparslan Turkes Science and Technology University
- Adiyman University
- Afyon Kocatepe University
- AfyonKarahisar University
- Agri Ibrahim Cecen University
- Amasya University
- Akdeniz University
- Ardahan University
- Artvin Coruh University
- Balikesir University
- Badirma On Yedi Eylul University
- Bartin University
- Batman University
- Bayburt University
- Bingol University
- Bitlis Eren University
- Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University
- Bursa Uludag University
- Bursa Technical University
- Cankiri Karatekin University
- Erciyes University
- Erzincan Binali Yildirim University
- Erzurum Technical University
- Eskisehir Osmangazi University
- Firat University
- Gaziantep University
- Gebze Technical University
- Giresun University
- Gumushane Univesity
- Hakkari University
- Harran University
- Hatay Mustafa Kemal University
- Hitit University
- Isparta Applied Sciences University
- Igdir University
- Iskenderun University
- Istanbul University
- Izmir Katip Celebi University
- Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University
- Karabuk University
- Kastamonu University
- Kayseri University
- KirikKale University
- Kutahya Dumlupinar University
- Manisa Cela Bayar University
- Mardin Artuklu University
- Marmara University
- Mus Alparslan University
- Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University
- Nigde Omer Halis Demir University
- Ordu University
- Osmaniye Korkut Ata University
- Recep Tayyib Erdogan University
- Saglik Bilimler (Health Sciences) University
- Samsun 19 Mayis University
- Sinop University
- Sivas Cumhuriyet University
- Suleyman Demirel University
- Sirnak University
- Turk – Alman (Turkish – German) University
- Usak University
- Van Yuzuncu Yil University
- Yalova University
- Yildiz Technical University
- Yozgat Bozok University
These universities accept students with YOS exam. Since every university has its own YOS exam, some universities accept other universities YOS exams. For example: Istanbul university YOS exam, Kunib YOS exam, Ankara YOS exam, and Yildiz technical YOS exam are accepted in some specified universities. That’s why you must check the website of the university that you want to apply into to know which YOS exams is accepted there.
Note: some universities don’t accept any YOS exam aside from its own exam. For example: Istanbul university doesn’t accept any exam aside from its own, despite its own exam being accepted in other universities. For example: you can apply to Harran University with Istanbul universities’ YOS exam result. For more info you can visit the Universite’s’ own website.
YOS Exam Questions and Locations
Generally, there is three parts in YOS exams which is mathematics, geometry, and general abilities. Questions are usually between 80 – 100 questions depending on university. Mathematics is usually between 30 – 40 questions, Geometry is usually between 5 – 15 questions, and general abilities is usually between 40 – 60 questions. Although being very few some universities ask from different topics. These topics can be from physics, chemistry, biology, and history that is taught in high school. Mathematics and Geometry are asked on a very extensive basis. For the general ability part scientific and figure questions are asked to measure the critical thinking of the candidates. Genral ability part is known among the students as an IQ part. Exam duration is usually between 90 – 130 minutes.
To enter the YOS exam you don’t have to be in Turkey. Some universities have examination centers outside of Turkey. To find out which university provides centers outside of Turkey and in which country and city visiting the website of the university would be the shortest and the easiest way.
YOS Exam Prices
We can’t arrive to an exact price of the YOS exam, because it changes from a university to another and from a country to another if the exam is done outside of Turkey. For the sake of informing the candidates on the interval prices we can say that its prices between 10 – 150 dollars.
In YOS there is a minimum grade that the candidate must achieve in order for him/her to apply to the University with the YOS exam score. This grade is called limit grade and it is usually between 40 – 70 depending on the university.
How to Apply to YOS Exam?

For YOS exam, you can apply from the university’s website. Before some universities wouldn’t provide an online application so in order to apply for it you would’ve needed to go there by yourselves. But now after the pandemic all universities that do the exam have website that you can apply from. For any changes in these rules, you have to check the university’s website regularly.
YOS Applications and Exam Dates 2021
Istanbul University
Application dates: 1st of March – 10th of June until 17:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Exam dates:10th of July 2021 at 15:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: https://yos.istanbul.edu.tr/en/_
Istanbul Cerahpasa University
Application dates:1st of March – 4th of June 2021 until 17:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Exam dates:3rd of July 2021 at 15:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: https://yos.istanbulc.edu.tr/en/_
Sakarya University
Application dates:18th of March – 15th of May 2021 until 17:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Exam dates:12th of June 2021 at 15:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: http://yos.sakarya.edu.tr/en/homepage/
Bursa Uludag University
Application dates:15th of February – 18th of May 2021
Exam dates: In Turkey 12th of June 2021 at 10:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Exam dates: in Azerbaijan and Iran 5th of June 2021 at 10:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Exam dates: in the other countries 5th of June 2021 at 14:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: https://yos.uludag.edu.tr/DefaultDEn.aspx
Gaziantep University
Application dates: 10th of February – 4th of June 2021
Exam dates: 3rd of July 2021 at 14:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: http://yos.gantep.edu.tr/index.php?dil=en
Karadeniz Technical University
Application dates: 1st of February – 11th of June 2021
Exam dates: 7th of July 2021 at 14:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: https://www.ktu.edu.tr/fse
Samsun 19 Mayis University
Application dates:25th of January – 16th of April 2021
Exam dates: 22nd of May 2021 at 13:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: https://yos.omu.edu.tr/en
Kutahya Dumlupinar University
Application dates:8th of March – 2nd of April 2021
Exam dates: 10th of April 2021 at 11:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: https://iso.dpu.edu.tr/en
Adana Cukurova University
Application dates: 15th of February – 30th of May 2021
Exam dates: 31st of July 2021 at 9:30 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: http://iso.cu.edu.tr/en/index.html
Malatya Inonu University
Application dates: 22nd of March – 23rd of May 2021
Exam dates: 19th of June 2021 at 12:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: https://www.inonu.edu.tr/inuyos
Izmir Ege University
Application dates:8th of March – 31st of May 2021
Exam dates: 19th of June 2021 at 13:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: https://yos.ege.edu.tr/?page_id=389&lang=en
Kayseri Erciyes University
Application dates: 1st of February – 6th of June 2021
Exam dates: 19th of June at 14:30 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: https://eruyos.erciyes.edu.tr
Sivas Cumhuriyet University
Application dates: 22nd of March – 21st of May 2021
Exam dates: 5th of June 2021 at 10:00 (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: http://iso.cumhuriyet.edu.tr
Mersin University
Application dates: 29th of March – 16th of April 2021
Payment dates: 19th of April – 26th of April 2021
Exam dates: 29th of May 2021 at (not decided yet) (Turkey’s local time)
Application link: http://www.mersin.edu.tr/haberler/358978/yabanci-uyruklu-ogrenci-basvurulari