A 35 cm Mass was Found in the Ovary of an 89-Year-Old Woman in Isparta

A 35-centimeter mass in the ovary of an 89-year-old woman who applied to Isparta City Hospital with the complaint of abdominal pain was successfully removed in Turkey.
Ayşe A, 89 years old, living in Konya, came to Isparta City Hospital with the complaint of abdominal pain and swelling. As a result of the examinations performed at the hospital, it was determined that the mass in Ayse A’s ovary had reached the abdomen.
A Mass of 35 Centimeters Was Removed
The 35-centimeter mass in the abdomen of the old woman who was taken into surgery was successfully removed.

“Surgery was successful”
Dr. Serhan Can Iscan from Isparta City Hospital Gynecological Oncology Surgery stated that the surgery was high risk due to the age of the patient and said, “We performed a successful surgery by applying our treatments that can reduce the risks of surgery. In this process, our patient regained his health without encountering any negative situation”.
Dr. Iscan stated that they performed the operation with a team of 21 people and that the patient was in good health.