602 Thousand 227 People Visited Atatürk House In 5 Years in Kırklareli

Atatürk House, built by Kırklareli Municipality to resemble the house where Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was born in Thessaloniki, has been visited by 602,227 people in 5 years.

602 thousand 227 people visited the AtatürkHouse in 5 years, which was built by the Kırklareli Municipality, similar to the house where Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in Thessaloniki. Stating that the AtaturkHouse, similar to the house he was born in, was put into service in 2018, Kapakoğlu invited all citizens to see the AtaturkHouse and said, “Kırklareli AtaturkHouse, which we opened to visitors on January 17.

We hosted 602,227 people in 2018, thank you.” AtaturkHouse The statues of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Zübeyde Hanım and Ali Rıza Efendi are in thehouse, which was built on a 960 square meter area in the Yayla District, the first settlement of the city, with a closed area of 317 square meters. There are also many tools such as forks, spoons, glasses and plates that he used when he came to Kırklareli. In the house where Atatürk’s tugra of flowers is located in the garden, a similar iron wheel tractor used byAtaturk is on display.