- 5 places to visit in Şanlıurfa
Şanlıurfa is one of the oldest settlements of humanity. The city is almost like an open-air museum because it is one of the cities where the most excavations are made. Here are the several places to visit in Şanlıurfa.

Urfa Castle
Urfa Castle is located on Dambak Hill, where Prophet Abraham was thrown into the fire, and the history of this hill goes back to 10 thousand BC. Known to have been built in 2 thousand BC, the castle was built by the Romans.

Şanlıurfa Archeology Museum
When the idea of opening a museum in Şanlıurfa in 1948, the existing works were collected in the warehouse of Atatürk Primary School. The first step was taken in the name of the establishment of the museum, and the works started to be collected in the storage of Şehit Nusret Primary School. However, the lack of these places for the museum and the need to exhibit the rich cultural and archaeological remains of the city led to the construction of a new museum building.
Traditional Culinary Museum
In 2011, Şanlıurfa Metropolitan Municipality bought and restored the Haciban House, which was about to collapse, and transformed this historical house into a Traditional Culinary Museum. The Şanlıurfa Kitchen Museum, where the kitchen materials of Şanlıurfa from the past to the present are exhibited, consists of five rooms and includes two water wells and a large courtyard.
Göbeklitepe, the oldest and largest place of worship in history, hosts a structure dating back to 10 thousand BC. Göbeklitepe, which has attracted great attention by many local and foreign tourists from the date of its discovery to the present day, reveals the mysterious facts of history and enables them to be questioned again.

Haran houses
The traditional houses, which are the most important architectural feature of Harran, attract a lot of attention both with their building materials and their appearance. Harran Houses, also known as Conical Domed Houses, have a historical past dating back 6 thousand years BC. The reason why these houses, which are used in Mesopotamia, Aegean and Transcaucasia regions, are frequently preferred, is the hot climate conditions.