Why is it worth visiting Istanbul in April?

In April, not only spring begins to come, but also the beginning of the annual tulip festival. From April 1 to April 30, flowers begin to bloom all over Istanbul. The whole city is full of bright colors of flowers.
April is the month when crowds of tourists come to Istanbul, and locals walk around the city all day. After all, what is it, if not a miracle. Wherever you go, no matter a park or an ordinary street, you will find a lot of flowers.
From tulips to blooming tangerines, the whole city is screaming: Come and look at me! Despite the fact that the whole city is blooming, we recommend looking in advance where the festival is taking place in order to know exactly which place to go.
We recommend the top places to visit and see the beauty of flowering: Emirgan Park and Gulhane, as well as Sultanahmed Square. In these places, you can most often see various of flowers.
Many people think that tulips come from Holland. But this is just a myth. Long before the appearance of tulips in Europe, they were first identified in Arab countries. Historians believe that the first memory of the tulip was in the documents of Persia. And in Turkey, their mass cultivation began.
We can praise the beauty all day, but we recommend visiting Turkey at this time and seeing it all live.
You can read this article in Russian language: Почему стоит посетить Стамбул в апреле?