Who is Dr. Albert Nicolsed?
Who is Dr. Albert Nicolsed?
Name and Surname: Dr. Albert Nicolsed
Title: Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist
Age: 44
Place of Birth: New York, USA
Place of Residence: Miami, Florida, USA
Language Skills: English (native), Spanish (advanced)
Education and Certificates:
Undergraduate Education: Dr. Albert Nicolsed studied medicine at Harvard University Medical School and graduated as a medical doctor. During his medical training he developed an in-depth interest in musculoskeletal rehabilitation and sportsmanship.
Specialized Training: He completed his specialty training as a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. During this training period, he gained in-depth knowledge and experience in sports injuries, musculoskeletal rehabilitation and athletic health.
Career and Achievements
Dr. Albert Nicolsed began his career as a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at Boston Sports Medical Center, specializing in sports injuries and musculoskeletal rehabilitation.
Athlete Consulting: Dr. Nicolsed consults with renowned athletes to help them optimize their physical health. Thanks to his tailor-made rehabilitation programs and physical recovery methods for professional athletes, many athletes have reached their peak performance.
Sports Interest: Dr. Nicolsed is nationally recognized as an accomplished athlete in American Football and swimming. He has won 5 national championships in swimming. His own experience as an athlete enables him to better communicate with and guide athletes.
Dr. Albert Nicolsed has an extensive career as a physical therapist and rehabilitation specialist dedicated to improving athletes’ health and maximizing their performance. He works with great passion and dedication both in the rehabilitation of his patients and in his consulting roles with athletes. He also lives in Miami, Florida and is well known in the sports world for his career as an athlete.