When is the 2023 Mirac Kandili? What to do in Miraç Kandili?When is the 2023 Mirac Kandili?

When is the 2023 Mirac Kandili? What to do in Miraç Kandili?When is the 2023 Mirac Kandili?
Miraç Kandili, which is the second candle of the “three months” with plenty of mercy and blessings in the Islamic world, will be realized tomorrow. Those who want to spend this blessed day by worshiping are wondering which prayers will be read and which prayers will be read in Miraç Kandili. So, what are the Miraç Kandili worships and prayers?
Miraç Kandili worship and prayers began to be questioned by the entire Muslim community. Hz. The Islamic world is investigating which prayers and worships will be performed in Mirac Kandili, which is known as the night when Muhammad appeared in the presence of Allah. So, what are the Miraç Kandili worships and prayers? What to do in Miraç Kandili?
Miraç, in the religion of Islam and mythological expressions, Hz. It is the name given to the narrations about Muhammad’s ascension to the sky and his return to see Allah and other realms.

Miraç, in the religion of Islam and mythological expressions, Hz. It is the name given to the narrations about Muhammad’s ascension to the sky and his return to see Allah and other realms.
According to hadith sources, the prayer, which is reported to be 50 rak’ahs in Miraj, is the Prophet. Upon the warning that Moses would be heavy on people, Hz. It was sent to Musa (as). It was reduced to five times after Muhammad returned several times and asked Allah to reduce the prayer.
The reading of the Miraç Kandili prayer is as follows;
“Allâhümme innî es’elüke min hayri mâ seeleke minhü nebiyyüke Muhammedün sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem. Ve neûzü bike min şerri mesteâze minhü nebiyyüke Muhammedün sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem. Ve ente’l–müsteân, ve aleyke’l–belâğ, ve lâ havle velâ kuvvete illâ billâh”
Meaning: (O Allah! I also want the good that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam wanted from you. We also seek refuge in You from the evil that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam took refuge in you. Help is only expected from You. You are the one who guides. Do not be afraid of sin. Power, the power to worship, is gained only with the help of Allah.”
Although our Prophet (PBUH) attained many spiritual states and blessings tonight, he reached spiritual realms that no other servant could reach. This night is perceived as Miraç Kandili every year.
It is mustahab to perform the following prayers on this night:

1- Fasting
It is recommended to fast during the day of Miraç Kandili, which coincides with the 27th night of the month of Recep.
For the Mirac Kandili, the clergy said, “Let him fast during the day. It is hoped from Almighty Allah that every disobedient prayer will be accepted.” aforementioned.
2- Performing accidental and supererogatory prayers
One of the most important issues in Miraj is to make the five daily prayers obligatory. Friends of the truth drew attention to the importance of praying on this night and recommended that those who owe prayer should perform the accident prayer.
3- Reading the Qur’an
One of the gifts given to the Prophet (PBUH) on the night of Miraj is the last two verses of Surat al-Baqara. (see Muslim, Iman, 279) The friends of Allah recommended that the Qur’an be read a lot tonight.

4- Repentance Istigfar
Allah has given the good news that those who do not fall into polytheism on this night will forgive their major sins. (see Muslim, Iman, 279)
5- Praying
These blessed nights are times to pray and invoke our Lord.
6- Bringing Salawat
Allah Almighty ordered the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) to recite salawat on our Prophet. In addition, it is stated in hadith-i sharifs that all the troubles of the one who sends salawat will be eliminated.

7- To Give Alms
It should not be forgotten that spending in the way of Allah and giving zakat not only protects people from many dangers and misfortunes, but also encourages people to love Allah. These exceptional nights are also the best means of giving alms.