31 July – 6 August 2023 weekly horoscope reviews Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces…
Hello dear Aries and those with Aries rising. This week, it may make you feel better if you act in a planned and programmed manner instead of making important and big financial breakthroughs. You may have interesting offers in front of you, especially regarding partnerships, and you can realise them in the future.

Hello dear Taurus and those with Taurus rising. We can say that you are entering a week where your love and emotional potential is in full flow. It is useful to use it to the fullest. But I recommend you to define the people who are in your life or who are candidates to enter your life very well and be constructive.

Hello dear Gemini and Gemini rising signs. You will have the green light that matters with large companies, public organisations, banks, etc. will now be resolved. This week is ideal for you to clarify yourself and your situation with the help of professionals.

Crab Horoscope
Hello dear Cancers and those with Cancer ascendant. It is possible to say that you will feel much better this week as long as you stay away from love and emotional performance. This week seems ideal for short-term plans and short journeys. It would be good to be more cautious in financial matters.

Hello dear Leos and those with Leo ascendant. I would say that if you have a mild attitude in matters related to property and family elders this week, you will be the winner. Yes, your patience may be tested, but the sky seems to help you this week to look much more positive.

Hello dear Virgos and those with Virgo ascendant. I would say this week is your week. The Sun has started to move sweetly in Sagittarius. This week you can aspire to pleasant and good beginnings. Try to do the most you can do. You can be more courageous, especially in money.

Hello dear Libras and those with Libra ascendant. I would say don’t get involved in shopping this week. Money transfer and banking issues may also cause problems. Likewise, acting within small limits in your expenditures can make you more comfortable next month. Let’s be stingy this week.

Hello dear Scorpios and those with Scorpio ascendant. It seems possible for you to experience much more positive developments with your siblings and close circle. This week you can also throw yourself into much more social relationships. Meeting new people can be good for you this week.

Hello dear Sagittarians and those with Sagittarius rising. This week, there may be an increase in career money or a job change may be on your agenda. It is useful to take this into consideration. Also, do not make sudden and impulsive decisions in matters related to your close circle.

Hello dear Capricorns and those with Capricorn rising. In this week, which is relatively more favourable, you can take actions that will be good for you. Likewise, I would say do your best in this regard. And you may also receive news from people and issues far away.

Hello dear Aquarians and those with Aquarius rising. It seems that you will experience a week in which you can restructure yourself psychologically. You can talk about issues related to your sleep and sexuality and get professional help. There may also be developments related to government offices.

Hello dear Pisces and those with Pisces rising. This week, you have a good chance of getting positive, good answers in pending official affairs. For this reason, it seems to be in your favour to plan and put the work you need to do in order. Just pay attention to your correspondence and your words.

Weekly Horoscope Comments (31 July – 6 August 2023)