Turkey’s Geographical Values Have Been Registered

Turkey’s geographical values have been registered
Many geographical values of Turkey entered the registration order in Europe. While the number of products receiving geographical indications has reached 9, there are 45 more geographical indications pending in Turkey’s EU registration process.
While the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TÜRKPATENT) carries out various activities for the purpose of promoting and registering Turkey’s geographical richness abroad, the number of products receiving geographical indications in the European Union (EU) increased to 9 and the number of applications made to Turkey increased to 9. . 45.
Finally, with the registration of the Antakya künefe by the EU, the number of geographical indications registered in Turkey from Europe has reached 9. Aydın figs and chestnuts, Gaziantep baklava, Malatya apricots, Milas olive oil, Bayramiç white, Taşköprü garlic and Giresun plump hazelnuts were registered first.
There are 45 more geographical indications pending at the time of Turkey’s EU registration.
Among these, Kırkağaç melon, Demirci jujube, Amasya flowering okra, Bursa black fig, Hopa anchovy bread, Safranbolu saffron, Suruç pomegranate, Manisa sultani seedless grape and mesir paste, Isparta rose oil, Bursa peach, Ezine cheese, Urla gum artichoke, Rize tea, Since last year, EU registration applications have been made for Ayaş Tomato, Kilis olive oil, Huyuk strawberry, Bingol honey, Melli fig, Osmaniye pistachio, Hatay Kaytaz pastry, Tarsus yellowulak olive and Silifke yoghurt.
In addition, Afyonkarahisar pastrami and sausage, Pistachio, Kayseri pastrami, ravioli and sausage, İnegöl meatballs, Maraş pastry, Milas olive oil, Gaziantep menengiç coffee, Tonya butter, Aydın memecik olive and olive oil, Bursa chestnut, Erzurum water pastry, İpsala pilaf. , Maraş tarhana, Araban garlic, Edremit Bay green scratched olives, Çağlayancerit walnuts, Gemlik olives and Edremit olive oil have been registered.
License approvals are expected for Suruç pomegranate, Çağlayancerit walnut, Gemlik olive and Edremit olive oil in the first half of this year.
TÜRKPATENT President Cemil Başpınar said that using the authority of the institution to apply directly to the EU, this year, for the first time in its history, it made a collective application for the registration of 10 geographically indicated products. Başpınar, “We will rapidly increase the number of internationally registered geographical indications of our country.”
The institution also signed a protocol with Hepsiburada company in order to raise awareness about geographical indications, highlight registered products and support e-commerce activities in this field.

Cooperation was also made with Yunus Emre Institute (YEE) on geographical indications. In this context, it is aimed to promote TÜRKPATENT registered products abroad through the Institute’s foreign representatives, thereby increasing their export potential and increasing their added value.
Turkey’s Geographical Values Have Been Registered
The number of registered geographical indications in Turkey, which was 31 in 2002, increased 43 times and reached 1341 as of the end of last year. While Konya was the province that made the most geographical indication applications last year with 37, Gaziantep was the province that received the most registrations with 27.
Last year, applications were made for 39 traditional products. These products are evaluated by TÜRKPATENT.

Geographical indication and traditional product name have functions such as indicating geographical sources, assuring the production method and quality that can also be shaped by traditional knowledge and cultural values, being a marketing tool by distinguishing the products in the market, and fighting against product counterfeiting.
Therefore, unlike other industrial property rights, geographical indication and traditional product name play an important role in supporting local production and rural development as well as the rights they provide to producers.
Chambers of commerce and industry have the largest share among legal entities registering geographical indications. Chambers of commerce and industry are followed by municipalities, commodity exchanges and governorates as the most registered institutions.
Turkey’s Geographical Values Have Been Registered