Trans Celebrity Shared Photos With His Lover!

The contestant, known as Neslihan Dogrusoz in the ‘Benim Stilim’ contest, changed her gender after the program ended and changed her name to Doruk. Doruk Dogrusoz shared his latest version and his new girlfriend on social media. Doruk Dogrusoz was once on the agenda with the words of Sevda Demirel.
Neslihan Dogrusoz, who became famous with the ‘Benim Stilim’ contest, changed gender in 2019. Neslihan Dogrusoz, who changed her gender, changed her name to Doruk Dogrusoz for the former contest of ‘Benim Stilim’.
Doruk Dogrusoz, who was in love with Sevda Demirel for a while, shared both his latest version and his new love on social media.
The bearded image of the former competitor, who had a love affair with Gizem Sertyalcin, also got full marks from his followers.
Those who saw the transgender contestant commented, “You are very handsome”.

Sevda Demirel about Dogrusoz, with whom she had a relationship before, “I don’t care about sex, if it were, I wouldn’t be alone for 5 years. I found true love in Doruk and I didn’t really care about sexuality. We were very good friends first of all. If sexuality was important to me, I would be with someone else. I’ve never seen Doruk naked, never. I never wondered. Doruk is a man with everything.”