- East Anatolian Food
Eastern Anatolia Region, which has one of the richest cultures of our country, stands out with its customs and lifestyle. The region, which has the lowest density in terms of population, has a very rich selection of local flavors. Here are the several delicious food that you can try in Eastern Anatolia.
Evelik Sarması – Erzincan (Wrapped)
The “Evelik Sarması” takes its name from the plant used. While the Evelik Herb, which grows on its own without requiring much effort, is good for infections such as flu, it also cheers up our tables.

Accin – Mardin
Mardin, which has hosted completely different civilizations for years and managed to fascinate those who go with its special cultural texture, also has a very unique cuisine. Bulgur is one of the most preferred flavors of Eastern Anatolia. It is surely the main ingredient of most dishes. This is also the same in Accin. Accin, which appears as another bulgur flavor, bears the signature of Mardin cuisine.

Doğaba- Hakkari
Doğaba, which is one of the signature flavors of our city, Hakkari, which is located in the east of our country, offers a very satisfying experience with its ingredients. Blended with the harmony of chickpeas, meatballs and boned meat, Doğaba turns out to be a very adequate choice in terms of protein.

Hangel- Kars
Hangel, one of the flavors of Kars, has a rich flavor that makes one eat once again want it. The meal, which succeeds in leaving an unforgettable taste on the palate with its abundant pain, becomes delicious with its yoghurt sauce.

Büryan, Bitlis
Büryan is one of the favorite dishes in Bitlis. This delicious meat dish, which is cooked for three hours at night in hot wells, is well worth the effort.